SURABAYA - The Ministry of Trade provides a subsidy of Rp. 1,000 per kilogram for imported soybeans in markets distributed through the Tempe Taut Indonesia (Kopti) Manufacturers Cooperative, as an effort to help entrepreneurs know and traditional tempeh.

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said his party provided the subsidy to intervene in the high price of imported soybeans as raw material for making tofu and tempeh.

"The Rp1,000 subsidy can be obtained by tempeh producers and tofu through Kopti Subsidi is expected to ease the burden on producers regarding the current high price of imported soybeans," said Zulkifli Hasan after giving a public lecture in front of thousands of new students at Muhammadiyah University Surabaya, quoted by Antara, Thursday 29 September.

Based on data from the Ministry of Trade, the price of soybeans as of September 26, 2022 is IDR 14,200 per kg, an increase of 14.51 percent compared to the price of soybeans on September 24, 2021, which is IDR 12,400.

The highest increase in soybean prices occurred in 2021 or around 22 percent compared to the previous year.

Zulhas, as the Minister of Trade is familiarly called, claimed that in 100 days as Minister of Trade, his party managed to stabilize the prices of a number of basic commodities in the market.

"That should be grateful. Currently the price is stable. The eggs are Rp. 27,000, the chickens are Rp. 35,000, the onions is Rp. 30,000, the cooking oil is Rp. 14,000. When I first became the minister, the price of chili reached Rp. 120,000., onions Rp. 80,000 and chickens Rp. 48,000," he said.

Currently, he said, the Ministry of Trade is starting to attack the international market by strengthening micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

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