JAKARTA - The son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Kaesang Pangarep admitted that he has been in the capital market since 2017.

Kaesang admits that he trusts his money more to invest in stocks rather than saving. In fact, the number reaches 70 percent.

Kaesang said that he always tries to invest his money in stocks.

This is because investing in stocks is considered to provide more benefits than investing in other instruments.

Furthermore, Kaesang admitted that he only invests in the domestic capital market.

He explained that 100 percent of its shareholding portfolio is a domestic company.

"No, only in the country. Nothing. 100 percent here, not abroad," Kaesang told VOI when met at Menara Imperium, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 28.

Then, what are the sectors that Kaesang chooses to invest in?

1. Energy

Kaesang admits that in investing, he always sees potential. For example, he said, the condition of Europe which will soon enter winter. This situation will increase the demand for coal. Therefore, Kaesang chose to invest in the energy sector. Special coal.

"Soon Europe will be in winter. Europe needs more coal supply, so that's where the correlation between demand and demand will be high, coal prices will rise. It means that the company's performance is better because the price is much better. Usually buying and selling shares in the industry coal is like that," he said.

2. Entertainment

Not only the energy sector, but Kaesang also claims to have a stake in the entertainment sector. This shared ownership is due to his penchant for watching movies.

"Entertainment, because I'm sure to watch a movie every two weeks. Invest in the industry that runs it," he said.

3. Food

In addition to energy and entertainment, Kaesang also claims to have a stake in the food industry sector. Kaesang admitted that he had just been moved to enter this sector.

"Energy. No banking, it's gone. Then food, just entered. Entertainment. Those three," he said.

As previously reported, Kaesang Pangarep looks aggressive in developing its business. The "legs" of Kaesang's business have spread and tread everywhere, starting from the culinary business, football and recently becoming an investor in a shrimp-based frozen food processing company, PT Panca Mitra Multiperdana Tbk (PMMP).

Kaesang Pangarep's investment in PMMP is done through the company he owns, PT Harapan Bangsa Kita or GK Hebat. Kaesang officially invested in PMMP by buying 188.24 million shares, equivalent to 8 percent of all issued and fully paid shares in Panca Mitra Multiperdana.

The hundreds of millions of PMMP shares were bought up by PT Harapan Bangsa Kita from the controlling hands of PT Panca Mitra Multiperdana Tbk, namely PT Tiga Makin Jaya.

With a transaction price of IDR 490 per share, PT Harapan Bangsa Kita invested around IDR 2.24 billion to take over 8 percent of PMMP's shares.

The total funds spent on the purchase of PMMP shares amounted to around Rp92.2 billion.

Meanwhile, GK Hebat is an MSME accelerator platform founded by Kaesang Pangarep, in 2019.

Director of PT Harapan Bangsa Kita Anthony Pradiptya, who is a business partner of Kaesang Pangarep, said the purchase of PMMP shares was intended as an investment.

PT Harapan Bangsa Kita has been known as the umbrella business for Kaesang Pangarep in the culinary business.

PT Harapan Bangsa Kita oversees a number of businesses such as Sang Banana, Yang Chicken, Lets Toast and Ternakopi. In addition, there is also an information technology company called Enigmapap.

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