JAKARTA - The East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) assesses that the existence of a special logistics aircraft for the province has opened up the isolation of NTT.

"We know that so far there have been logistical problems between regions in NTT. Now, the arrival of this plane has certainly opened up the isolation", said NTT Kadin Chairman Bobby Lianto in Kupang, quoted from Antara, Saturday, September 17.

Bobby said this was in response to the arrival of a special cargo aircraft model Caravan C208B operating in the intra-NTT area at El Tari Kupang Airport on Friday, September 16.

The plane was imported by NTT Logistik to help speed up the delivery of cargo logistics from Kupang to several areas in NTT and vice versa.

Bobby considered that the arrival of the plane gave new hope for the NTT economy because it would provide opportunities for entrepreneurs or SMEs to open up new opportunities in NTT.

"Of course, we are thinking of exporting fresh products that require shipping by airplane, of course, it has been served", he added.

So far, he continued, the delivery of cargo goods was adjusted to the number of passengers on the plane because it was using a passenger plane.

"This is proof of the revival of the economy in NTT. At a time when the economy is in chaos, some want to help improve the economy of NTT with the arrival of the plane", he said.

Chairman of the BPD of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (Hipmi) NTT, Muhammad Ikhsan Darwis, said the existence of the cargo plane should be used by the regional government in NTT.

"In addition, the existence of this aircraft also helps novice entrepreneurs, who want to try later by getting raw materials, of course, they can carry them through the plane", he added.

Himpi, he continued, will help by inviting the MSME actors assisted by Hipmi to actively produce their goods or works, because currently there are special aircraft that can transport the works of MSME actors faster.

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