JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, held talks with the Japanese Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry, Nishimura Yasutoshi.

Airlangga's conversation with Nishimura Yasutoshi was held on the sidelines of the IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework) minister meeting in Los Angeles, United States.

On this occasion, Airlangga encouraged Indonesia's exports by discussing reducing tariffs for products from the country.

"Currently, Indonesian tuna fish products are still subject to an import fee of seven percent while similar products from neighboring countries have been exempted from import duties by Japan," Airlangga said as quoted by Antara, Saturday, September 10.

"For the export of pineapple and bananas, there are still restrictions on the number of exports that get facilities," he continued.

Airlangga also conveyed Indonesia's commitment to be active in the four IPEF pillars, especially the second pillar related to the supply chain.

Airlangga hopes that he will get support in the development of two strategic commodities, namely semi-conductor and EV (Electronic Vehicle) batteries through the facilitation of trade and assistance in the development of Human Resources (HR).

Regarding the export of tuna in cans, Nishimura said he was finalizing discussions at the relevant ministries in Japan, while to increase the quota for the number of banana and pineapple exports that received the facilities had been approved by the Japanese government.

"Japan will also continue to support cooperation in the development of semi-conductor, EV battery, and the development of supporting human resources," he said.

On that occasion, Nishimura also conveyed a request that the iron steel problem for Japanese industrial raw materials in Indonesia could be made easier so that it could run smoothly.

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