JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said that state capital participation (PMN) for state-owned companies in 2023 was only approved for IDR 41.31 trillion. This figure is equivalent to 60.91 percent of the proposed IDR 67.82 trillion.

This was conveyed by Erick in a Working Meeting with Commission VI of the DPR, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, September 8.

"So the total that was approved yesterday was IDR 41.31 trillion. But we are also pushing and it seems that there is a way out, there is an investment reserve that will be given worth IDR 5.7 trillion. So the total is IDR 47 trillion," said Erick.

The details, said Erick, Hutama Karya (HK) in the previous job meeting proposal proposed Rp30 trillion. The budget user is for the development of the Sumatra toll road to Jambi. However, it was approved Rp28.9 trillion.

"And yesterday we informed that HK will have PMN of around Rp. 28.9 trillion. So it's not Rp. 30 trillion, but Rp. 28.9 trillion," he said.

Then, PMN for PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN is proposed to be IDR 10 trillion. This budget will be used for the village electricity program. PMN that was approved is the same as the proposed one.

Furthermore, PMN for InJourney has not yet made a decision on the amount of PMN proposals needed worth Rp. 7.5 trillion. This PMN is actually for the development of five tourist destinations in Manado, Bali, Labuan Bajo, NTB and others.

Sama dengan InJourney, PMN untuk IFG juga belum ada keputusan persetujuan dana dari nota keuangan alias masih nol. PMN untuk IFG diusulkan Kementerian BUMN sebesar Rp6 triliun untuk penugasan KUR yang dijalankan Askrindo dan Jamkrindo.

"So this is a connection for KUR as Askrindo and Jamkrindo, not as IFG, not as Jiwasraya," said Erick.

Meanwhile, PMN for PT Resurance Indonesia Utama was proposed IDR 3 trillion. The budget will be used to strengthen capital. However, there has been no approval for this state-owned PMN.

"To strengthen capital, we know that our insurance coverage is now we want to consolidate it, so if we want to insure abroad, it can be cheaper. Now this needs strengthening than the model inside. But yesterday it was also not approved," he said.

Then, PMN for Defense ID's first proposal was IDR 3 trillion but it was approved IDR 1.75 trillion. PMN's goal for Defense ID is used to improve financial performance from Defend ID.

"Kita tahu sekarang Defense ID sebenarnya mendapatkan banyak alokasi order baik dari Kemenhan maupun dari kementerian lain, termasuk beberapa pesawat yang di orderkan bahkan ada order dari luar negeri seperti dari UAE. Nah memang tentu dalam kita menerima order kan kita juga perlu menjaga cash flow, ini yang memang baru diberi Rp1,75 triliun," katanya.

Meanwhile, PMN for ID FOOD is proposed Rp2 trillion. However, there is no PMN approval for this Food SOE Holding. The PMN is planned to be used to strengthen the food ecosystem in ID FOOD. Including improvements rather than programs for fishermen, fisheries, and for farmer programs.

"But yesterday it was not approved, we will try to find other alternatives for ID FOOD, we have spoken to PPA Danareksa to review the entire strategy of its development. So there are ID FOOD options that we must do," he said.

Similar to ID FOOD, PMN for Damri also has no approval. The PMN proposed for Damri is IDR 870 billion.

"Then Damri, this is actually part of how to public transportation to electric buses. But this has not been approved as well. So later we will try to get around it in other ways," he explained.

Meanwhile, PMN for AirNav has been approved for IDR 660 billion from the proposed IDR 790 billion. This PMN is for equipment updates. Moreover, Indonesia already has regional cooperation with Singapore.

Finally, the Ministry of SOEs proposed PMN for KAI of Rp4.10 trillion. However, it has not yet been decided. The PMN is planned to be used for rail repair.

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