JAKARTA - The 2021 Draft Law on Accountability for the Implementation of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (RUU P2APBN) has been passed into law at the Plenary Meeting of the DPR RI.

For this, the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati gave her appreciation to the DPR for the completion of the discussion of the bill.

"On behalf of the government, we express our gratitude and appreciation to the leadership and all members of the House of Representatives for their excellent support and cooperation in the process of public accountability," he said in an official statement quoted on Wednesday, September 7.

According to the Minister of Finance, the discussion of the 2021 P2APBN Bill reflects a process of accountability for the implementation of the APBN to the DPR as the people's representative, after going through an audit process conducted by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

He said, the discussion of this bill has also followed the rules and process of legislation of the DPR. Thus, the 2021 P2APBN Law provides confidence to the entire community that the APBN has been managed efficiently, transparently, and accountably

"In the discussion of the bill, we received notes, inputs, and various corrections from all factions of the DPR RI for improvement and effectiveness of APBN management which we will continue to study carefully and implement according to the laws and regulations," he said.

Furthermore, the state treasurer also appreciated the DPR's extraordinary support in the implementation of the 2021 State Budget and in the face of dynamics or challenges of health problems, social protection, and economic recovery. It was stated that the 2021 State Budget was prepared in 2020 in the early days of the pandemic and in a situation full of uncertainty.

The government and the Indonesian House of Representatives chose to remain optimistic that in 2021 Indonesia will recover because indeed signs of recovery have begun to be seen in the third quarter of 2020 with the acquisition of vaccines and the start of vaccination programs. However, the government and the Indonesian House of Representatives also agreed that we must remain vigilant by being shown through the flexible 2021 State Budget policy draft in order to continue to be able to respond to the ongoing uncertainty," he explained.

The Minister of Finance added that the Indonesian economy in 2021 can grow 3.69 percent and inflation is maintained at 1.87 percent. Meanwhile, the indicators of public welfare also improved by successfully reducing the poverty rate from 10.19 percent in 2020 to 9.71 percent in September 2021.

Then, the open unemployment rate also decreased from 7.07 percent as of August 2020 to 6.49 percent in August 2021, the human development index also increased from 71.94 in 2020 to 72.29 in 2021.

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