JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) received approval from Commission XI of the DPR regarding the submission of a Work Plan and Budget (RKA) of Rp45.22 trillion for the 2023 period. This was confirmed by the Chairman of the Commission XI meeting Kahar Muzakir in today's meeting at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta.

"By saying Alhamdulillahi calmel Alamin, we agree with the Ministry of Finance budget," he said on Monday, September 5 while tapping the hammer to mark the DPR's approval.

Responding to this, the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani appreciated the work of Commission XI which was considered to be very helpful in carrying out state treasurer duties for next year.

Thank you for all the support and approval and input for the things we need to improve. Thank you again to the leadership and other members. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh," said Sri Mulyani.

Before receiving this approval, the Minister of Finance first explained about the proposed budget use plan. In his explanation, he informed that the current budget of Rp45.22 trillion has been adjusted to the latest needs.

The reason is, in the first submission last June, the Minister of Finance offered RKA 2023 Rp45.12 trillion. This means that there will be an increase of around Rp95.23 billion which will be allocated to the success of the Indonesian Chairship agenda in ASEAN for the next year.

"This has an increase in the budget of around Rp95 billion, especially to finance the activities of our international event which holds the ASEAN Chairmanship," said the Minister of Finance.

In detail, the budget that has been approved will be distributed into three main functions, namely the function of public services of Rp41.81 trillion, the economic function of Rp231.18 billion, and the function of education of Rp3.17 trillion.

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