JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR Mulyanto admitted that he was disappointed with the government's decision to increase the price of fuel oil (BBM).

He considered that the government did not listen to the voice of the boarding school asking that the fuel price not be increased.

"We are disappointed with the decision. The government does not hear input from the public, and remains unmoved with its attitude," he said in an official statement, quoted on Sunday, September 4.

Mulyanto assessed that the underprivileged people would suffer from this subsidized fuel price increase.

Meanwhile, luxury car users, said Mulyanto, will continue to enjoy subsidized fuel so that it is not on target.

"I estimate that prices, especially food, will move up along with the multi-flyer effect," he said.

Regarding social assistance prepared by the government as a cushion for the increase in fuel prices, Mulyanto provided several notes. The first is related to direct cash assistance (BLT) provided specifically for the lowest poor.

"The BLT provided is for the bottom of the hydromide (the bottom of the poor). Meanwhile, with the shift in the poverty line, due to the subsidized fuel price increase. So new poor people will emerge. Previously there was no poverty line," he explained.

Not only that, said Mulyanto, not to mention the accuracy of the integrated social welfare data (DTKS) which was questioned by the financial audit agency (BPK).

"Not to mention the accuracy of the DTKS data that was questioned by the BPK and even the KPK. Including the case of leaking BLT funds due to fraud," he said.

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