JAKARTA - The government has just announced to increase the price of Pertalite and Solar fuel oil (BBM). Meanwhile, Pertamina Patra Niaga reported that currently the stock of Pertalite and Solar is at a safe number. Pertalite is at the level of 18 days, Solar is at the level of 20 days, and continues to be produced until now.

For this reason, Pertamina Patra Niaga's Corporate Secretary, Irto Ginting ensured that the production process from downstream to the availability of fuel stocks at gas stations was also continuously monitored through the Pertamina Integrated Enterprise Data and Center Command (PIEDCC) in real time.

Through PIEDCC, Pertamina can take appropriate steps to ensure the availability of fuel stocks to gas stations. For example, the stock at one of the gas stations is running low, we can divert distribution and make gas stations a priority, so people don't worry and we urge them not to make excessive purchases," he said.

On this occasion, Irto also appealed that Pertalite and Solar, which are subsidized fuel, are consumed by eligible people. Therefore, Pertamina Patra Niaga will continue to cooperate with the community, government, and all relevant parties in the supervision of Pertalite and Solar.

The hope is that Pertalite and Solar are really enjoyed by people in need. If you see indications of abuse or fraud, the public can report directly to the competent authorities," added Irto.

According to Irto, until now his party has also maintained the stock and distribution of Pertalite and Solar, which currently consumes around 85 percent of the total national fuel consumption.

So at this time the condition is a combination, namely increasing the average daily consumption of the community and the high portion of Pertalite and Solar consumption nationally. This very large need must be balanced with its availability, and Pertamina is committed to continuing to meet this need," explained Irto.

The government has officially adjusted the price of fuel oil (BBM) for Pertalite and Solar Subisidi subsidies.

For the new price, the government priced Pertalite, which was previously Rp7650 per liter, to Rp10,000 per liter, Solar Subsidy, which was previously Rp5,150 per liter, increased to Rp6,800 per liter.

"Today, September 3, 2022, at 13.30 WIB, the government decided to adjust the price of subsidized fuel, including Pertalite from Rp. 7650 per liter to Rp. 10,000 per liter and diesel from Rp. 5,150 per liter to Rp. 6800 per liter, Pertamax from Rp. 12,500 to Rp. 14,500 per liter," said ESDM Minister Arifin Tasrif at a press conference with President Jokowi and Minister Regarding the Transfer of Subsidy to Fuel, Merdeka Palace, Saturday, September 3.

This price increase is valid for an hour since it was announced that this price adjustment was at 14.30.

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