JAKARTA - PT Pintu Kemana Saja with the PINTU brand, a trading platform for buying and selling crypto assets, continues to be active in introducing crypto investment to the Indonesian people. This time, PINTU had the opportunity to become the official sponsor of a film directed by renowned director Angga Dwimas Sasongko entitled Stealing Raden Saleh, starring various well-known Indonesian actors and actresses.
Jeth Soetoyo, Founder & CEO of PINTU revealed, his goal to bring crypto assets to millions of Indonesians continues to be poured through various collaborations with many industries. Starting from the food industry, e-sports, soccer, to the latest collaboration in the film industry by becoming the official sponsor of the film Steal Raden Saleh.
"Through this collaboration, we believe that showing the film Stealing Raden Saleh will not only provide entertainment for the audience, but this film will be able to become a new platform for people to get closer and get to know crypto asset investment," said Jeth, in a written statement, Thursday, August 25.
Angga Dwimas Sasongko welcomed the presence of PINTU as a sponsor. The collaboration that was built between the crypto and film industries turned out to be able to support each other.
The scene of using cryptocurrency in the film gives a different feel from other films and makes the film feel more up to date.
"We thank PINTU for their support for us so that the shooting process can run well. We hope that the audience will be able to watch and feel the excitement of drama & action films with interesting storylines starring great actors and actresses in Indonesia," said Angga Dwimas Sasongko.
The film Stealing Raden Saleh, directed by Angga Dwimas Sasongko and written by Huesin M. Atmodjo, is a drama and action film about a group of young people who want to steal a historical painting of Raden Saleh at the Presidential Palace.
The group of young people are Piko (The Forger) played by Iqbaal Ramadhan, Ucup (The Hacker) played by Angga Yunanda, Fella (The Negotiator) by Rachel Amanda, Gofar (The Handyman) by Umay Shahab, Tuktuk (The Driver) by Ari Irham, and Sarah (The Brute) are played by Aghniy Haque. It also stars well-known actors such as Tio Pakusadewo, Dwi Sasono, to Atiqah Hasiholan.
Angga Yunanda, on the PINTU social media channel, shared his experience as Ucup in the film Stealing Raden Saleh. From the point of view of Ucup's character in this film, Ucup is very interested in the crypto world.
"And personally since I played Ucup in Raden Saleh's stealing film, I have received a lot of new insights about crypto from other actors who have previously been in the crypto world. During the shooting process I got a lot of new experiences, apart from crypto investing, valuable experience for me. is the opportunity to compete acting with six gangs filled with well-known actors and actresses. Only in the film Stealing Raden Saleh can unite these actors and actresses. So for the Indonesian people, especially drama & action film lovers, don't miss the opportunity to watch this film live here. cinema, because you will get an unforgettable experience from the excitement of this film," said Angga.
The film Stealing Raden Saleh officially airs on Thursday, August 25, 2022 simultaneously in cinemas throughout Indonesia. However, on August 17, it was played in a limited number of cities in Indonesia, especially for the Indonesian Independence Day edition.
"Still in the atmosphere of commemorating the 77th Indonesian Independence Day, we hope that the spirit of independence through the presence of the film Steal Raden Saleh can bring a new color to the Indonesian film industry and can increase awareness about investing in crypto assets," concluded Jeth.
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