JAKARTA – The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) encourages business actors to be able to take advantage of the momentum of the digital economy which is now growing. Most recently, the Ministry of Trade held a Digital Literacy seminar titled “Let's Love Domestic Products” this weekend.

Deputy Minister of Trade (Wamendag) Jerry Sambuaga said that the digital economy provides a number of benefits for the community, including accelerating and facilitating transactions, as well as increasing access to information and transparency.

"Since the pandemic began in 2020, there has been an increase in consumers, which is predicted until 2025, the penetration rate of digital consumers will continue to increase to reach 77 percent of the total population of Indonesia," he said in a press statement on Sunday, August 14.

According to Jerry, the government is committed to continuing to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sell online and to encourage SMEs to advance to export class through cooperation in increasing the market place platform for 1,500 business people.

"Here you collaborate with universities, associations, trade offices, communities, and related experts to improve product quality," he said.

Based on data from the Ministry of Trade, Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020 was recorded at Rp. 15,400 trillion.

Meanwhile, Indonesia's digital economy is estimated to reach Rp. 632 trillion. However, its contribution is still relatively small to the national economy, but is growing quite rapidly.

"Through the support of all parties, it is hoped that we can increase the value of the digital economy and make Indonesia the biggest player in the digital economy in Southeast Asia," concluded the Deputy Minister of Trade, Jerry Sambuaga.

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