JAKARTA - Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan, denied the news that instant noodles would increase threefold due to skyrocketing wheat prices as a result of the Russo-Ukrainian war.

This is because the supply of wheat from several countries will flood Indonesia.

Zulhas as Zulkifli Hasan is familiar said that the supply of wheat would be abundant along with the harvest season in several countries. Such as Australia, Canada, and the United States.

With the harvest of wheat from countries other than Ukraine, Zulhas continued, it will have an impact on wheat prices in the future. So, he believes there will be no increase in the price of instant noodles in the country.

"No (the price will go up), hopefully, later, it's already (an abundance of wheat supply)", he said at the Ministry of Trade Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 10.

Moreover, said Zulhas, Ukraine has also re-opened access to wheat exports. As is known, Ukraine is indeed the largest supplier of wheat to Indonesia.

"In the past, Australia's crop failed, Canada failed, America failed, now its role is successful. Especially now that Ukraine has started selling it", he explained.

With the supply from these other countries, Zulhas predicts that the upward trend in world wheat prices and their derivative products, in this case, wheat flour as raw material for instant noodles, will decline next month.

"Maybe in September the trend will go down", he said.

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