JAKARTA - PT Asuransi Jiwa Adisarana Wanaartha (Wanaartha Life) respects the entire legal process carried out by the National Police Criminal Investigation Team (Bareskrim) investigating a suspect in a suspected criminal case of embezzlement in this company.

Wanaartha cooperatively supports this legal process. At the same time, restructuring steps and attracting new investors are still being carried out by the management of the insurance company, which has been in business for decades.

"Restructuring and reorganizing so that Wanaartha Life can serve police officers better," said President Director of Wanaartha Life, Adi Yulistianto, to reporters, Saturday, August 6.

Adi said that prior to the determination of the suspect, his party had dismissed Yanes Yaneman Malatuwa and Daniel Halim from their positions as directors. This means, said Adi, only four people are still part of Wanaartha.

"So, the dismissal of Pak Yanes and Daniel has nothing to do with the determination of this suspect. We did not know that there was this determination. The day after it was announced we only found out about it," said Adi.

In fact, they had suspected that Yanes and Daniel would be proven to have cheated on Wanaartha Life. In fact, when this case was handled by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Wanaartha Life conducted an independent audit.

As a result, there is a big gap between the number of policyholders and the value of money for these customers. In the 2014-2019 period, Yanes and Daniel reported that the number of Wanaartha police holders reached nine thousand people with a financial value of less than IDR 5 trillion.

However, based on an audit and re-analysis conducted in 2021, it turns out that the number of Wanaartha police holders reaches 28 thousand people with a financial value of tens of trillions.

"Well, how much was embezzled, we don't know exactly. But we still respect the legal process," said Adi.

Adi explained that the handling of this case had a direct and indirect impact on Wanaartha. One of them is that the efforts of shareholders to restore the company's finances have gone awry. Because, they have to think about the law enforcement process in the Police.

"The direct impact of the company's image and reputation is bad. And there are many questions from police holders regarding their obligation to pay their rights," added Adi.

For information, the suspects are Yanes Yaneman Matulatuwa, Daniel Halim, Yosef Meni, Terry Khesuma. Then, Manfred Armin Pietruschka, Evelina Larasati Fadil and Rezananta Piertuschka.

"Wanaartha Life highly upholds the applicable law, respects the judicial system and the legal system so as to prioritize the principle of presumption of innocence to the suspects," he added.


Therefore, Adi asserted, his party remains committed to carrying out its obligations to policyholders. He asked customers to remain calm and not be afraid of payments.

Moreover, he said, his party has also restructured. After the dismissal of Yanes and Danil, they have appointed Hari Prasetiyo as a candidate for the Company's Independent Commissioner. They also appointed Ardian Hak as Director of Risk and Compliance. They will run a fit and proper test at the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Adi also confirmed that his party will seek fresh funds after this restructuring. At the very least, they will use the company's endowment fund and look for other sources of income and new investors for Wanaartha Life. That way, the company's operations will continue to run and Wanaartha Life's obligations to policyholders can run well.

"I said Wanaartha Life continues to operate even though there are many problems that occur," said Adi.

Meanwhile, the attorney for the shareholders, Fajri Suherman, said that his party is currently reviewing several options regarding the determination of his client as a suspect. It could be, his party filed a pretrial lawsuit and other legal remedies.

"Currently our client is in America for treatment. We are considering legal steps. But believe me, what we will do is all for the benefit of the police holders," Fajri briefly said.

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