JAKARTA - Chairman of the Aerotrans, Digital and Transportation Unions - Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers Union (SPDT-FSPMI) Iswan Abdullah revealed that PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia has not paid employee wages since 2020 until now.

PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia is a subsidiary of Garuda Indonesia which is engaged in land transportation, namely the shuttle for Garuda Indonesia employees and employees.

Including aircraft crews such as pilots, co-pilots, flight attendants, flight attendants, and all land transportation needs of PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

Iswan said, since the COVID-19 pandemic, Aerotrans Services Indonesia implemented work from home (WFH). However, the workers are not paid their wages. In fact, the Health Social Security Administrator (BPJS) contributions were stopped.

"The fact is that since March 2020 until now they have not paid workers' wages due to COVID-19," he said, quoted Friday, July 22.

Iswan said that aerotrans had not paid THR to workers since 2 years ago.

Whereas THR is an allowance that must be paid to all employees

"PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia since 2020 has not paid THR to its workers," he said.

According to Iswan, the union has made efforts to resolve it by sending a letter for bipartite, mediation with the recommendation from the Tangerang City Manpower Office, to the Tangerang City Manpower Supervision. However, not implemented

"But the company did not implement it," he said.

In fact, Iswan continued, his party has reported all of this to the Central Manpower Supervision/Inspection at the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker).

"But the Ministry of Manpower has not yet received an answer and the results of the examination," he explained.

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