JAKARTA – The inauguration of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Board of Commissioners for the 2022-2027 period has been carried out this morning through taking the oath of office before the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (MA) of the Republic of Indonesia.

In the sacred procession, OJK Chairman Mahendra Siregar seemed to follow separately and not with the other Board of Commissioners.

Regarding this, the Deputy Commissioner for Public Relations of the OJK Anto Prabowo gave a statement.

"Pak Mahendra Siregar is currently exposed to COVID-19," he said in a written statement received by the editors on Wednesday, July 20.

Anto explained that Mahendra would continue to take the oath of office at the MA Building Complex, but in a different place and room.

"In MA, in a separate room while still paying attention to the progress," he said.

Anto added that the OJK Board of Commissioners volume III will give its first official statement later in the evening as part of the duties and responsibilities of the positions held.

"The series of events for the transition of OJK leadership today internally to the press conference which will be held virtually this afternoon," he said.

The following is the complete composition of the OJK Board of Commissioners for the period 2022-2027.

1. Mahendra Siregar as Chairman and member

2. Mirza Adityaswara as Deputy Chairman concurrently Chair of the Ethics Committee and member

3. Dian Ediana Rae as Chief Executive of Banking Supervisor and concurrently member

4. Inarno Djajadi as Chief Executive of the Capital Market Supervisor and concurrently member

5. Ogi Prastomiyono as Chief Executive Supervisor of Insurance, Pension Funds, Financing Institutions, and Other Financial Services Institutions concurrently member

6. Sophia Issabella Watimena as Chairman of the Audit Board and concurrently member

7. Friderica Widyasari Dewi as a member in charge of consumer education and protection

8. Doni Primanto Joewono as ex-officio member of Bank Indonesia

9. Suahasil Nazara as an ex-officio member of the Ministry of Finance

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