JAKARTA - PT Indonesian Trading Company/PPI member of ID Food conducted a refreshment through training, namely Impactfull Communications Skills Training related to effective communication to improve BOD-1 competence within PT PPI, on Saturday, July 16 at Graha PPI, Jakarta.

This training, which is mandatory for BOD-1, presents Erwin Perengkuan as a trainer to provide insight and effective communication skills. He is the founder and CEO of Talkinc, which is an educational institution that focuses on developing communication skills.

"To maintain a harmony and an effort to boost logistics trading capabilities in the PPI environment, communication skills are the main thing that we must always develop in our daily activities. The importance of this training for each BOD-1 is as an effort to build a solid teamwork collaboration in environment of PT PPI," said Director of Finance, Risk Management, Human Resources and General Affairs, PT PPI, Wien Irwanto in his statement, Tuesday, July 19.

Erwin in his presentation revealed that to achieve effective communication the way we communicate is dominated by 70 percent through visuals, namely 60 percent of body language and 10 percent of total looks, 20 percent of voice and 10 percent influenced by words. In the process of compiling messages consisting of opening, content and closing each has a portion of 10 percent, 70 percent and 20 percent.

Opening is the initial structure in the message delivery process known as GISI (Greetings, Introduction, Storytelling and Introduction). Next is content, which is the material to be discussed, with the structure of What Define (what will be discussed by presenting data), So Explore (deeper discussion) and Now Decide (inviting listeners to think about the discussion material).

And ends by closing, which consists of a summary (summary of the discussion), recap (personal opinion from the discussion), and punchline (invitation/inspiration delivered to get outcomes from listeners).

Departing from this, visuals are the most important thing in communicating. Because, people will form perceptions based on the visual appearance that we show. The choice of clothes used becomes an identity that describes the company, self-confidence and social appearance that raises public perceptions of the clothes used.

Fashion identity is classified into classic, edgy, and modern styles. This fashion awareness is an interesting thing to discuss, starting from the choice of clothing colors, the materials used, the combination of tops and bottoms and the patterns / patterns of clothing used.

Without genre grouping, men and women are required to take care of themselves, which in essence displays cleanliness and tidiness, which will encourage trust in communication.

This training is one of the PIJAR programs, namely PPI Learning which is a training program that is carried out on an ongoing basis. Of course this program is expected to be able to provide a new perspective for BOD-1 in improving communication skills effectively, this is very important in negotiating and closing company business transactions. The next program will be given to the BOD-2 level and so on gradually.

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