JAKARTA – The people of Kampung Cihalimun, Cipetir, Cipaet and Cipacet, Cianjur Regency, West Java, are now able to enjoy electric lighting for 24 hours every day after waiting for 77 years.

The Regent of Cianjur, Herman Suherman, expressed his appreciation for the synergy that has been carried out by PT PLN (Persero) and the Center for Natural Resources Conservation (BKSDA) of West Java Province.

“For almost 77 years after Indonesia's independence, there has only been electricity in this village. For the struggle of PLN and BKSDA, I thank you for this collaboration,” said Herman to reporters, Monday, July 18.

General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) West Java Distribution Parent Unit, Agung Nugraha said, officers had encountered problems in connecting electricity. The reason is, the installation of electrical installations must pass through forests and rivers.

"A total of four villages have been successfully electrified, two villages namely Cihalimun and Cipetir enter Mekarsari Village, the remaining two enter the neighboring village, Degreepawitan Village," Agung Nugraha said in a statement to the media, Monday, July 18.

Agung explained that the medium voltage network was built along 9 kilometers of circuits (kms), 4 distribution substations each with a capacity of 50 kVA, 172 medium voltage poles, and 165 low voltage poles with a TKDN percentage of 63 percent.

This effort to electrify Kampung Cihalimun requires synergy from the West Java Province BKSDA.

This is because the 3.4 hectares of land that is crossed by the PLN electricity network is in the protected forest area of Mount Simpang.

Not only crossing the forest, to reach Mekarsari Village which is located 160 km from the center of Cianjur city, you also have to cross the river and through the rocky road that is on the edge of the cliff.

The travel time itself reaches seven hours under normal conditions if the river can be crossed.

"With all these struggles, when electricity is present in our midst, let's work together to maintain it by maintaining a safe distance between trees and the power grid," said BKSDA representative Andi Irawan.

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