JAKARTA - The government has just launched it. However, only one day after it was released, sales violations have occurred.

These violations were committed by online sellers of various e-commerce platforms.

They sell Oil at above the highest retail price (HET) that has been set at Rp. 14,000 per liter.

The Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Order of the Ministry of Trade has traced various e-commerce platforms related to violations of Oil and Mineral Sales.

As a result, as many as 129 merchant links (mechants) sell Oil on top of the HET set by the government.

"The Ministry of Trade cooperates with the Indonesian E-commerce Association (iDEA) to reduce (take down) from the sales link. In addition, Mandiri's supervision of traders on each platform is carried out so that our oil sellers according to HET so that the community's cooking oil needs can be needed," wrote the Ministry of Trade in its official statement, Friday, July 8.

At the time of the launch of Kumita, Trade Minister Zulkfili Hasan had stressed that oilita should not be sold above Rp. 14,000 per liter.

However, Zulhas zapan akrab Zulkifli Hasan menjelaskan, jika penjual Kumita ingin menjual di bawah harga HET diperbolehkan. Kemendag, kata dia, tidak melarang hal tersebut.

For your information, oil is bulk cooking oil packaged in simple packaging. This oil will be priced at Rp. 14,000 per liter.

Zulhas, Zulkifli Hasan's nickname, hopes that the presence of oilita can be a solution to ensure affordable supply of cooking oil for the community.

"This is a breakthrough from the Ministry of Trade as an effort so that this cooking oil can be distributed cheaply and safely because it is in accordance with BPOM and SNI," said Zulhas, at the Ministry of Trade, Wednesday, July 6.

With this bulk packaged cooking oil, Zulhas assesses that it will make it easier for the public to get stock. In fact, simplify the distribution process so that it is evenly distributed to all corners of the country.

"With this packaged People's Cooking Oil, it will facilitate the distribution process, maintain cleanliness in the hands of consumers," he said.

Zulhas said, this oilita will be channeled through various partners from the Ministry of Trade.

"With the hope that it can be distributed properly and still at affordable prices, which is Rp. 14,000," he said.

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