JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan, admitted that his two weeks of work had paid off.

He claims that the availability of cooking oil in the market is safe at a price according to the highest retail price (HET) determined by the government, which is Rp. 14,000 per liter.

This was conveyed by Zulkifli Hasan after visiting Ciracas Market, East Jakarta, in order to monitor the supply and prices of basic goods, especially cooking oil.

"I went to the market again today, to make sure that the availability of people's cooking oil in the market is safe at a price that is in accordance with the Government HET, a maximum of Rp. 14,000 per liter. After dialogue with traders and the community, I am happy because according to our efforts, it has not been a month in Java and Bali. it's safe," said Zulhas as he is familiarly called, Tuesday, July 5.

Based on the daily monitoring of the Ministry of Trade's Basic Needs Market Monitoring System (SP2KP) in 216 markets throughout Indonesia, the average bulk cooking oil price for Java-Bali is already below the HET.

As of July 1, 2022, the average price of bulk cooking oil was IDR 13,900 per liter, down 11 percent compared to last month.

"It is available at 15,375 government partner retailers spread across 241 regencies/cities in 25 provinces," he explained.

After visiting the market directly and discussing with the traders, Zulkifli Hasan saw that there was bulk cooking oil packaged by the traders to make it practical.

"Earlier, there was also a lot of bulk cooking oil that had been packaged in bottles, but the price was still Rp. 14,000 per liter," he said.

Zulhas as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly known, said that in the future this would no longer be necessary because the government would prepare simple packaged cooking oil with a HET of Rp. 14,000 per liter.

"Minyakita will be circulating soon, tomorrow it will be launched, God willing. Simple packaging, fixed price of Rp. 14,000 per liter," added Trade Minister Zulhas.

Not only cooking oil, Zulhas also reviewed the prices of other basic necessities. In general, prices for basic necessities have been observed to be stable and supply is available.

Based on the monitoring, the price of medium rice was recorded at Rp. 10,000 per kg, premium rice at Rp. 12,000 to Rp. 13,000 per kg, sugar at Rp. 14,000 per kg, bulk wheat flour at Rp. 10,500 per kg, packaged wheat flour at Rp. 13,500 per kg, and oil. Bulk fried IDR 14,000 per kg, beef IDR 140,000 per kg.

Then, the price of chicken eggs is Rp. 27,000 per kg, chicken meat is Rp. 40,000 per kg, curly red chili is Rp. 115,000 per kg, large red chili is Rp. 70,000 per kg, red chili is Rp. 130,000 per kg, and shallots are Rp. 80. 000 per kg, honan garlic Rp. 30,000 per kg, and kating garlic Rp. 40,000 per kg.

Zulhas said that the price fluctuates up and down is chili, both curly chili and cayenne pepper. Even so, Zulhas said the price increase was seasonal. This means that it doesn't happen all the time.

"So it's seasonal. But if it's chili, it's okay, farmers will harvest it once in a while, so they'll make a profit," he said.

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