JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said that the performance of SOEs in 2021 will not only book a net profit, but also a decrease in the debt ratio of up to 35 percent. Erick said, the decline in the debt ratio was due to a commitment to transforming SOEs.

SOEs on a consolidated basis managed to record a net profit of IDR 126 trillion in 2021. This achievement has gone far from 2020 which was only IDR 13 trillion.

"Alhamdulillah, thanks to the transformation by prioritizing good business processes, good corporate governance (GCG), efficiency, and professionalism, the debt ratio of SOEs in 2021 will be 35 percent or down four percent from 2020, which is 39 percent," he said in an official statement, quoted Tuesday, July 5th.

On that occasion, Erick admitted that he would continue to push the SOE's debt ratio to continue to shrink in the years to come. Banks, he has also mapped the debts of SOEs.

The mapping is intended so that BUMN debt is truly intended for business purposes. "Now we are tidying up which are productive debts, and which are corrupt debts. Of course we will brush off the corrupt ones," he said.

Erick also explained that the transformation, both in terms of business and human resources, has proven to have a significant impact on the performance of SOEs.

"Improving the performance of SOEs certainly has a big impact on society and the state. If the SOEs are not healthy, how can they contribute maximally," he said.

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