JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) continues to improve electricity services to customers, one of which is by attending the Public Service Mall (MPP) created by the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPANRB).

The presence of this PLN outlet will make it easier for the public to access electricity services.

PLN's direct involvement was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between KemenPANRB and 17 Ministries/Institutions/Corporations witnessed by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin, Tuesday 28 June.

Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin explained that the government is fully responsible for providing quality public services for the entire community.

This MPP is held to help make public services easier for the community and can also encourage increased investment.

"This MPP should exist in all regions in Indonesia. I appreciate the steps of cooperation and support from all parties to make this MPP successful. This can be one of the benchmarks for national bureaucratic reform. I ask for this to be a common concern," said Ma'ruf in a statement to the media, Wednesday 29 June.

The Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Internal Bureaucratic Reform, Mahfud MD, explained that the presence of this MPP is a step for the government to be able to provide the best service for the community.

This effort, said Mahfud, is to speed up business permits for the community and also become a one-stop service for public complaints.

"This step is taken to increase global competitiveness so that it has an impact on national economic growth and improves people's welfare," said Mahfud.

It is noted that until June 2022, there have been 59 MPPs operating to serve the community.

The target is that by the end of the year there will be 11 more provinces that will be accelerated for the formation of the MPP and in 2024 all MPP will be in all parts of Indonesia.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained, in creating excellent electricity services for the public, PLN is not only present digitally through customers' smart phones.

PLN is also present to directly answer the needs of public electricity services through outlets at MPP.

"Currently, we do have PLN Mobile which can quickly and responsively respond to customer electricity service needs. However, we are aware that our direct presence to serve the community is also important so that customers are more satisfied in getting electricity services," said Darmawan.

Later, in this outlet at MPP, PLN will serve all customer needs, starting from new installations of electricity, power-adding services and also being a complaint post for the community.

Most importantly, said Darmawan, through this outlet, it can be a one stop service for customers and investors who want to access various services at the PLN Group.

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