JAKARTA - PPI Member Of ID Food won Marketeers Omni Brands Of The Year 2022 for the Warung Food application brand. The award was given in Jakarta on Tuesday 21 June.

This year, for the fourth time, Marketeers again held the Marketeers OMNI Brands of The Year 2022 award. This is a form of appreciation for brands who have successfully implemented omnichannel marketing in various aspects, including products, marketing campaigns, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), services, to sales promotions.

PPI for the Warung Pangan brand along with 18 brands that Marketeers value successfully implement this omnichannel marketing strategy.

This omnichannel marketing model has become increasingly popular during the pandemic and beyond, considering that brands must be able to provide the best experience to consumers at all touch points. So far, the adoption of omnichannel has had a positive impact on these brands.

It can be said that almost all who used this strategy managed to record growth. Of course, not only in revenue, but in many other ways, such as the number of consumers to the increase in customer loyalty.

"It's time for brands to implement an omni strategy to provide customers with something personal, experiential, as well as social. Integrating online and offline as well as technology and human touch," said Iwan Setiawan, CEO of Marketeers in his statement, Friday, June 24.

Iwan added, to adopt a digital life in today's era, brands need to apply technology in all aspects of human life, beyond digital communication and social media.

"In Marketing 5.0, businesses need to show their customers that the right application of technology can improve their lives. It's time to end the human and machine dichotomy, online and offline. Interaction that integrates high-tech and high-touch is now a must," said Ivan.

In addition to exploring the advantages of brands' omnichannel strategies, Marketeers are also looking for insights on future omnichannel trends. Because, after the pandemic subsided, since the middle of last year, people's activities tend to return to normal.

Entering 2022, community activities that are like before the pandemic are increasingly evident. The easiest benchmark is that traffic jams are back to being routine everywhere, especially in big cities. So the question is, what will happen to the omnichannel marketing strategy during the endemic period and after?

As it turns out, marketers will continue to use an omnichannel approach, even if there is no pandemic. Because, according to them, this strategy remains relevant, especially because the pandemic has formed new habits for consumers, namely being more comfortable with digital services and hard to leave.

This is in line with the PPI Food Stall concept, where this application is used by MSMEs to meet the needs of shop stock shopping, with supporting features ranging from WP Fund (KUR capital loan), WP Asik (TJSL capital loan), WP Wholesale, WP Cashier and WP Pay Later.

The President Director of PPI, Nina Sulistyowati, on the occasion of attending this awarding event, said that the mission of this Food Stall is to become an E-Commerce Enabler for empowerment in the food sector by providing quality and affordable food and non-food products.

"This is done by becoming a food distribution channel for BUMN Food Holding products under ID Food to the community by creating a food ecosystem that is digitized from upstream to downstream in a sustainable manner," said Nina.

Meanwhile, PPI Director of Operations Tri Wahyundo Hariyatno said, this WP also functions to support the government's program to distribute one-price bulk cooking oil to SMEs through government programs in anticipation of rising cooking oil prices in the community.

PPI Member OF ID Food made by Warung Pangan, currently has 69 thousand partners throughout Indonesia. In addition, specifically for the distribution of cooking oil at a price of Rp. 14,000/liter, there are currently less than 3,900 partners/shops/warung/cooperatives in 14 provinces.

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