JAKARTA - The trio of Self-Regulatory Organizations (SROs) managed to raise funds of up to Rp66.08 billion from stock exchange transaction revenues from August-December 2021. This amount includes contributions from 92 capital market industry players, including issuers, securities companies and other parties.

In his statement, Wednesday, June 22, the trio of SROs consisting of the Indonesia Stock Exchange, the Indonesian Central Securities Depository, and the Indonesian Clearing and Guarantee Corporation contributed Rp40.92 billion of the collected funds. Meanwhile, Rp. 25.16 billion came from donations in the form of funds, and Rp. 394 million from donations in kind from capital market players.

From the collected funds, until May 2022, the total funds that have been distributed by the SRO in the context of the 44th Anniversary of the Indonesian capital market for CSR activities reached Rp53.13 billion for various activities. Among other things, vaccination of more than 500,000 people in 91 locations spread across 18 provinces, blood donation activities that have succeeded in collecting around 15,000 bags of blood and 219 bags of plasma blood, compensation to 333 heirs of health workers, as well as routine lunches to 390 people. public funeral services.

Activities are also carried out in the form of supporting the provision of medical equipment such as oxygen cylinders and oxygen concentrators to hospitals and health centers, including land and sea ambulances. In particular, assistance has also been distributed through the Center for the Analysis of Health Determinants (PADK) – Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in the form of oxygen concentrators and oximeters worth almost Rp2 billion.

As for the latest, the SRO with the support of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) provided assistance in the form of an ambulance. This is an anticipatory and handling measure in connection with the still increasing spread or transmission of COVID-19 as well as taking into account the official statement from the World Health Organization (WHO) which states that the rate of increase and transmission of COVID-19 in Indonesia is still high.

In addition, ambulance assistance is an effort to support government programs in improving public health services, especially in the regions.

The assistance of an ambulance unit equipped with Medical Consumables (BMHP) for the Berkah Pandeglang Hospital was symbolically handed over by the President Director of KSEI as the Steering Committee for the 44th Anniversary of the Indonesian Capital Market, Uriep Budhi Prasetyo to the Regent of Pandeglang, Irna Narulita.

The President Director of KSEI in his speech said that ambulances are a very vital transportation for health institutions, especially in the regions. Outside of pandemic conditions, the availability of ambulances is very important to maximize health services and support the operational activities of health institutions.

"We hope that the ambulance assistance from the capital market for the Berkah Pandeglang Hospital can be used optimally and is beneficial for people in need," explained Uriep.

Pandeglang Regent Irna Narulitaaat revealed that Berkah Hospital only has 4 ambulances to serve 1.3 million residents in Pandeglang Regency. "In the future there are still many programs for public health services in Pandeglang and we really hope for support from the government in particular, given the existing limitations, especially since Pandeglang was hit by a tsunami some time ago," said Irna.

On the same occasion, Deputy Director of OJK Capital Market Information System Development Gustaf Adolf Martua Rajagukguk said that the Indonesian capital market had provided assistance to several regions in the form of ambulances, as a form of capital market awareness to improve health services in the regions.

"Hopefully the provision of assistance from the capital market can provide many benefits for the community," said Gustaf. We also urge the public to always be careful with investment offers, OJK and SRO are ready to support the Pandeglang government if they need education and socialization related to the capital market, "said Gustaf.

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