JAKARTA - The upload of a PLN customer is going viral on social media.

The customer, known as @sharonwicaksono, complained about a fine of RP68 million given by PLN for allegedly using a fake seal.

Sharon was asked to pay a fine and was threatened with power cut to her home by officers.

"Guys, I want to share my bad experience with PLN. Please @pln_id follow up on this incident & don't let it happen again, this has really disturbed us as citizens, many have become victims. PLN is a company to serve the community, is that how you work? ? For those who have never been hit, please be more careful especially with PLN officers in the field. Hopefully this sharing is useful & I hope @pln_id can thoroughly investigate this case and catch the "people" behind all this," he wrote in his Instagram caption, quoted Monday 20 June.

The upload was also accompanied by photo evidence of the seal that was allegedly his and compared it with another seal from PLN.

He also explained the chronology of when a PLN officer came to his house to conduct an inspection.

After the inspection, the officer said that the meter belonging to Sharon's family had to be brought to the PLN laboratory for further inspection.

The officer after conducting an examination in the laboratory returned with evidence that the seal was fake because there was a difference with the original PLN seal.

Sharon argued that the meter had been in existence since 1993, so that his party did not even falsify and the numbers were lost due to rust.

"Honestly, as the people of Indonesia, I feel very DISAPPOINTED & HURT by 'persons' like them. What should be their duty to serve the community (PLN) instead acts unilaterally and harms small people like this," he wrote.

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