JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto is said to have attended the inauguration of the Central Executive Board of the Nahdliyin Entrepreneurs Association (HPN) in Jakarta this week. On this occasion, Airlangga revealed that Nahdliyin entrepreneurs also contributed to the national economy.

"Nahdliyin entrepreneurs throughout Indonesia have a very strategic role to take advantage of potential growth and become a driving force for the people's economy, Islamic finance, digitizing MSMEs, and the halal industry through various business opportunities and partnerships at the national and global level," he said in an official statement quoted Thursday, June 9th.

According to Airlangga, the number of MSMEs in Indonesia currently reaches 64.2 million and has a large contribution to the national GDP. However, Indonesia's entrepreneurship ratio is still relatively low at 3.47 percent.

For this reason, as a country with a Muslim population that makes up 87 percent of the population and is the largest in the world, Indonesia has abundant resources with huge domestic and global halal market potential.

"Therefore, the success of the Nahdliyin entrepreneur is very much needed by Indonesia," he said.

Airlangga added, the government is committed to developing an entrepreneurial ecosystem and financing support, one of which is done through the People's Business Credit (KUR) program.

According to him, KUR has become an easy and cheap and inclusive financing for business actors, both on the ultramicro, micro, small and medium scale.

"The government is always ready to cooperate with HPN and it is hoped that this cooperation can improve the people's economy," he said.

Furthermore, Airlangga conveyed that it was hoped that HPN would not only serve as a forum, but also become a vehicle for improving the quality and business capacity of MSMEs.

"It is also hoped that the socio-economic empowerment of the community will become an incubator for the birth of new entrepreneurs throughout Indonesia," concluded Coordinating Minister Airlangga.

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