Members Of Commission XI Says The Socialization Of Tax Amnesty Program Volume II Has Not Been Massive
Member of Commission XI DPR RI, Kamsrussamad. (

JAKARTA - Member of Commission XI of the DPR RI, Kamrussamad, assessed the socialization of the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) or Tax Amnesty Volume II which has been rolled out by the government has not been carried out on a massive scale.

Kamrussamad said, based on his monitoring, many people and a number of businessmen he met did not know or even understood Tax Amnesty Volume II.

"Including the benefits, what are the advantages of Tax Amnesty Volume II from Tax Amnesty Volume I," said Kamrussamad in his press statement, Saturday, June 4.

He continued, that the purpose of Tax Amnesty is basically very positive, taxpayers can get benefits such as being free from sanctions and fines. This policy is part of Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations (UU HPH).

"In my opinion, this socialization needs to be more intensive. Don't look at the community, and even entrepreneurs already understand Tax Amnesty and the purpose of Tax Amnesty," he added.

As of June 2, the Tax Amnesty has been followed by 57,072 taxpayers with 66,777 certificates. The income tax (PPh) received from this tax amnesty has reached IDR 11.61 trillion of the total disclosure of net assets of IDR 115.40 trillion. Known PPS deadlines or Tax Amnesty Volume II now remain less than 30 days, which is until June 30, 2022.

Through this program, taxpayers can get benefits such as being free from sanctions and fines. An administrative fine of 200 percent is imposed when the Directorate General of Taxes finds assets that are not or have not been reported in the Notification Letter for Disclosure of Assets (SPPH) until the last PPS deadline. The 200 percent sanction is in accordance with Article 18 paragraph 3 of the Tax Amnesty Law (tax amnesty).

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