JAKARTA - PT PP Presisi Tbk (PPRE) carried out a corporate action in the context of a Sustainable Public Offering with a total target of funds raised of Rp1 trillion. In the framework of the Sustainable Public Offering I, PP Presisi will issue Shelf-Registered Bonds I Phase I PP Presisi Year 2022 with a maximum fund target of Rp500 billion.

The Sustainable Public Offering was presented at the Virtual Public Expose which was held on Monday, May 30. The event was attended by President Director of PPRE Rully Noviandar, Director of Finance, Manrisk and Legal Arif Iswahyudi, Director of Business Planning & HCM Rebimun, Head of Accounting & Finance Division of Martadion, Joint Lead Underwriter of PT BNI Sekuritas represented by Senior Executive Vice President Nieko Kusuma.

Then, PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas was represented by Director of Investment Banking Kevin Praharyawan, PT CIMB Niaga Sekuritas represented by Associate Director Jerry Dennis and Bond Supporting Institutions and Professionals.

"The Shelf-Registered Public Offering (PUB) of Shelf-Registered Bonds I amounting to Rp1 trillion will be carried out in two stages. Phase I PPRE will conduct the Shelf-Registered Public Offering of Shelf-Registered Bonds I Phase I Year 2022 with a maximum amount of Rp500 billion. has received an idBBB+ (Triple B Plus) rating from PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo)," explained Rully Noviandar.

He continued, 70 percent of the allocation for the use of funds will be used for capex and 30 percent for the company's working capital," said Rully.

"The capex that we will spend through the bond funds will be used to support increased production and the addition of new contracts for mining service projects. Diversification into mining services is one of the company's strategies in anticipating the construction business cycle and optimizing productivity from its heavy equipment assets. ," added Rully.

In this bond, PPRE has appointed 3 (three) securities companies as Underwriters for Underwriters (PPE) or Joint Lead Underwriters (JLU), namely PT BNI Sekuritas, PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas, PT CIMB Niaga Sekuritas, while for other Supporting Professions, PPRE has appointed PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia as Trustee, Jusuf Indradewa & Partner as Legal Consultant, Ir. Nanette Cahyanie Handari Adi Warsito, SH as Notary.

"PPRE will carry out a bookbuilding period starting from May 30 to June 13, 2022, where the public offering period is planned to be carried out on June 27 2022 and the allotment plan is carried out on June 28, 2022, so it is estimated that the bonds will be listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in July 1, 2022," concluded Rully Noviandar.

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