JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Vape Consumers Association (AKVINDO), Paido Siahaan said that the assumption that alternative tobacco products are harmful to the environment is incorrect. . Therefore, he said, the product is less polluting the environment, because the result of using e-cigarettes is only steam. "Is there more plastic packaging waste for e-cigarettes than other products? I don't think so. smaller than other products," he said on Friday evening, May 27. "In the beginning I used e-cigarettes, of course there were complaints from people around because they were still considered something new. However, now it's different," said Paido, quoted by Antara. , alternative tobacco products also provide changes to the quality of health of users, especially for smokers who have switched. Paido revealed that his breathing quality is much better since switching to using e-cigarettes when compared to when he was still smoking. and does not leave an unpleasant odor on clothes and cars,” he said. Paido switched to alternative products if because the product has a lower risk than conventional cigarettes. This is reinforced by a number of scientific studies that have been carried out at home and abroad. Therefore, he regrets very much if there are parties who say that this product has the same risks as cigarettes. “E-cigarettes are 95 percent less risky than cigarettes. I think this is the best answer so as not to cause an inaccurate perception," said Paido.

Researcher from the Public Health Observer Foundation (YPKP), Amaliya added, alternative tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, are proven to not produce residues like cigarettes when used. This is because alternative tobacco products apply a heating system, so the result is only steam. "The application of a heating system to alternative tobacco products causes this product to not produce residues such as smoke, ash, and butts like cigarettes, thereby minimizing the impact on the environment and the people around the user," he explained. Amaliya continued with various available scientific studies, alternative tobacco products deserve to be used as an alternative for adult smokers to switch from their habits. "It is unfortunate if the potential and benefits of this product are hampered because there is erroneous information and not based on scientific studies. The use of this product needs to be given to adult smokers to switch and as a substitute up I can reduce the high prevalence of smoking in Indonesia," he concluded.

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