JAKARTA - PT Cemindo Gemilang Tbk (the Company) today officially launched its newest innovation product, namely super premium multipurpose cement with the name Semen Merah Putih Watershield.

The Company's Commercial Director, Surindro Kalbu Adi said, with water repellent content that gives the effect of taro leaves to buildings, Semen Merah Putih Watershield provides more protection and resistance to water absorption in buildings, both structural and non-structural applications.

"This cement's resistance to humid conditions in the surrounding environment can reduce the risk of water absorption. The water repellent innovation in Semen Merah Putih Watershield is the first and only one in Indonesia," said Surindro at a press conference in Jakarta, May 20.

Present on the same occasion, GM Sales and Marketing Cemindo, Oza Guswara said, with the presence of this new product the company is targeting sales of up to 15 percent of the total cement sales.

Previously, Cemindo Gemilang had also delivered the first shipment of Semen Merah Putih Watershield to distributors around West Java. The inaugural delivery ceremony was held in the Ciwandan Factory Area, Cilegon, Banten on Thursday 19 May.

"We have made the first shipment of Semen Merah Putih Watershield to distributors for the Banten and West Java areas, this product will soon be available in Java, Bali and Lampung," said Oza.

Oza added, the Company will continue to strive to provide more desirable products with the best services through reliable, environmentally friendly company management and provide added value for all stakeholders.

Although he did not provide details on the price of this Watershield cement, Oza said that this product is targeting the premium market segment with competitive prices with similar products on the market.

"Our segmentation will be at a very premium level, but we will put the price at a premium level but still very competitive with premium cement on the market today," he concluded.

For information, the producer of the Merah Putih brand of cement owned by the conglomerate Martua Sitorus is produced in accordance with the Indonesian quality standard SNI 7064:2014. Semen Merah Putih Watershield will be available in various major cities in Indonesia in 40 kg and 50 kg bags.

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