JAKARTA - Clarity regarding the payment of the remaining severance pay of Rp. 318 billion for 1,233 former pilots and employees of Merpati Airlines, has not yet come to light. However, they continue to fight for what is their right.

The former Merpati Air pilot, Eddy Sarwono, admitted that he was disappointed with the government's attitude, in this case the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir, who did not clarify the fate of the remaining severance pay.

"Actually, I'm a bit sad, a little disappointed as if the government forgot the history that Merpati was built for people in the interior, we have the task of connecting remote areas so that they can develop," he said when met at the Ministry of SOEs, Wednesday, May 18.

According to Eddy, Merpati Air is not only a profit-oriented airline. But also carry out the government's mission for development in remote areas. In fact, they are the ones who paved the way for Garuda Indonesia.

"After developing, Garuda only entered. That's our job. Meanwhile, if you come from the region, you will know about its many limitations, both in terms of the base, navigation facilities and so on. Many of my friends have become victims because of these limitations. It's as if Merpati has no services in the country. this," he explained.

Eddy also questioned why the state did not want to settle the remaining severance payments to 1,233 former Merpati employees. In fact, according to him, the remaining amount of the severance pay is very small compared to Garuda Indonesia's debt.

"Of the total 1,233 employees, only IDR 318 billion has not been paid. Actually, for the country, in my opinion, it is small compared to Garuda's debts of all kinds. So I think what the solution is, we are trying to find out," he said.

In addition, Eddy also reminded SOE Minister Erick Thohir to not only campaign for AKHLAK which is an acronym for Amanah, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive and Collaborative.

"Like Mr. Erick, you always talk about morals, so what are the morals?," he said.

As is known, Merpati Airlines itself has stopped operating since 2014. In the closed condition, Merpati Airlines has problems paying the remaining severance pay for former pilots and employees, which totals Rp318 billion for 1,233 people.

The Ministry of SOEs took steps to restructure Merpati Airlines through PT Perusahaan Penglola Aset (PPA) with a state capital participation (PMN) scheme of IDR 500 billion.

Last year, a number of former Merpati Air pilots who were members of the Ex Merpati Pilots Association (PPEM) sent an open letter to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to demand their severance rights which had not been fully paid by the state-owned company. The letter was sent since June 17, 2021 and has received a receipt.

However, until now there is no clarity regarding the payment of the remaining severance pay of Rp. 318 billion for the 1,233 former employees of Merpati Airlines.

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