JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Highways ensures that the construction of the Serang-Panimbang toll road will continue. Now, the construction process is continuing on Section 2 along the 24.17 km connecting Rangkasbitung-Cileles.

Previously, PUPR had completed the construction of the Serang–Panimbang toll road for 83.67 km. This is after section 1 along the 26.5 km that connects Serang-Rangkasbitung has been operating since 2021.

In addition, section 3 is 33 km long which connects Cileles-Panimbang. Until now, the physical progress of the construction of Section 2 itself has reached 23.31 percent.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said increasing accessibility and connectivity of the toll road infrastructure network to provide smooth, safe, secure, and comfortable travel.

"Improved road access will support the economy of the people in the surrounding area," Minister Basuki said in a statement to reporters, Tuesday, May 17.

Basuki added that the construction of the Serang-Panimbang toll road infrastructure was carried out under the Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) scheme with a total investment value of IDR 8.58 trillion.

Basuki detailed that in Sections 1-2, it is the portion of the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) by PT Wijaya Karya Serang Panimbang. Then in Section 3 is the portion of the Government through the Directorate General of Highways, Ministry of PUPR.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency of the Directorate General of Highways Danang Parikesit said that the completion of the construction of the Serang–Panimbang toll road Sections 2 and 3 is targeted to be operational in the 1st and 2nd semesters of 2024.

After completion, the Serang - Panimbang toll road will provide convenience and efficiency of travel time to Tanjung Lesung tourism object which is one of the Priority Tourism Destinations (DPP).

"Previously, from Jakarta to Tanjung Lesung it took 5 hours to travel, with the Serang - Panimbang toll road, the travel time can be reduced to 2-3 hours with an average speed of 100 km per hour," said Danang.

In addition, continued Danang, the existence of the Serang - Panimbang toll road can facilitate community economic connectivity from both the industrial and tourism sectors in Banten Province.

"The presence of the Serang - Panimbang toll road is expected to support economic development in the Tanjung Lesung tourist area as well as the Central Banten and South Banten regions which are geographically close to DKI Jakarta," said Danang.

The Tanjung Lesung tourist area is one of the 10 Priority Tourism Destinations (DPP) which is the mandate of President Jokowi. The Tanjung Lesung tourist area is included in a priority destination because of its superior natural beauty and various attractive facilities, such as water sports, snorkeling, diving, to sunrise spots on the coast.

The other Priority Tourism Destinations (DPP) include Lake Toba, Mandalika, Borobudur, Morotai Island, Tanjung Kelayang, Wakatobi, Thousand Islands, Bromo - Tengger - Semeru National Park and Labuan Bajo.

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