JAKARTA - Pertamina's hard work and readiness in providing sufficient fuel along the homecoming and return route for Lebaran 2022 is appreciated by many parties. A number of travelers claimed to be quite satisfied with the services provided by Pertamina during the Eid homecoming period, especially in the provision of fuel oil (BBM).

This is as acknowledged by Abdulrahman Treasurer of the Pajero Owners Community (POC) Banten Raya (Barcha) chapter in his statement, today, Thursday 12 May.

"During traveling to a number of cities, such as Tegal, Pemalang, Semarang and Yogyakarta, I really felt that Pertamina's services were very good," said Doel, his nickname, to the media.

According to Doel, a number of additional gas station services along the homecoming route, especially toll roads along the island of Java, have helped travelers to fulfill their fuel needs.

"It's very helpful in case we run out of fuel while on the toll road. Especially when the traffic is heavy, having additional gas stations is very helpful," said Doel.

The resident from Pondok Cabe, South Tangerang, appreciated the efforts of the officers who seemed alert in regulating the flow of traffic along the way. Including Pertamina officers who are so good at providing services to road users.

With the various services, travelers no longer need to worry about running out of fuel while on the road. Moreover, he saw that the rest area gas stations along the toll road were very crowded.

"So with this service, we no longer need to queue long to refuel," said Doel.

In addition to feeling comfortable, Doel also feels that the service to travelers is adequate with the establishment of health posts.

"This is very helpful for us. Moreover, there is a place for children to play," he said.

He hopes that in the next homecoming season, facilities and services for travelers can be added and provided comprehensively in other regions in Indonesia.

"Hopefully next year the service will be even better and spread to other areas," explained Doel.

During the Lebaran 2022 homecoming, Pertamina has prepared fuel stocks and LPG has prepared all infrastructure including 114 BBM terminals, 23 LPG terminals, more than 7,400 gas stations, 667 SPBE, 4,972 LPG agents, and 68 DPPU.

Pertamina also provides Additional Services on potential routes including toll roads, tourist routes, and main traffic lanes, which consist of six main services, including: Pertamina Siaga Kiosk, Pertamina Siaga House, Pertamina Delivery Service 135, Gas Station Siaga, and LPG Agents & Outlets. Standby.

In addition, the Pertamina Standby Home service provides activation of superior promotions including MyPertamina Tebar Prize, Bright Gas, Moto GP Merchandise, Towing Service, Tugu Mandiri Insurance, Health Facilities, and Lesehan Enduro.

One of the superior services available at Rumah Pertamina Siaga is a health facility in the form of a Mini Clinic in collaboration with Pertamedika to provide health service checks to support the government's #MudikAmanMudikSehat program, including an ambulance unit that is on standby at service locations.

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