JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Erick Thohir, appointed Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito as commissioner at PT Kimia Farma Tbk (KAEF).

The appointment and appointment of Wiku were decided at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) for the 2021 Fiscal Year which was held today.

In addition, Kimia Farma also made changes and downsizing of directors, from six to five.

The position of President Director of Kimia Farma which was previously held by Verdi Budidarmo was also replaced by David Utama.

In the AGMS of Kimia Farma, changes were also made to the company's articles of association.

The AGMS also approved and ratified the determination of the use of net profit attributable to owners of the parent entity for the 2021 financial year of IDR 302 billion and dividends of 30 percent or IDR 90 billion to be attributable to shareholders.

"The AGM approved the ratification of the company's consolidated financial statements which include the company's annual report, the report on the supervisory duties of the Board of Commissioners, and the report on the implementation of social and environmental responsibility programs ending on December 31, 2021", said PT Kimia Farma Tbk Corporate Communication Irwan Setiawan, quoted from an official statement, Wednesday, May 11.

The following are the latest compositions and positions of the Board of Commissioners and Directors of Kimia Farma:

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner: Abdul Kadir

Commissioner: Dwi Ary Purnomo

Commissioner: Wiku Adisasmito

Independent Commissioner: Rahmat Hidayat Pulungan

Independent Commissioner: Camelia Faisal

Independent Commissioner: Musthofa Fauzi


Managing Director: David Utama

Director of Finance and Risk Management: Lina Sari

Marketing, Research & Development Director: Jasmine Karsono

Director of Production and Supply Chain: Andi Prazos

Director of Human Resources: Dharma Syahputra

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