JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) won an award from the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir in the 2022 BUMN Champion Partner Appreciation event.

PLN won the first rank of National Champion in the Customer/Buyer Category for the BUMN business class for its contribution to the use of products and services produced by BUMN in supporting the company's operational and business activities.

"This award is a form of appreciation from the Ministry of SOEs to SOE partners who support SOE business and operational activities so that SOEs can realize their performance more effectively and efficiently," said SOE Minister Erick Thohir in his statement to the media, Tuesday 10 May.

The appreciation for the Champion 2022 BUMN Partners is given through a series of selection and assessment processes carried out on the basis of the 2021 partnership performance. There are 268 partners proposed with 12 SOE clusters to become the Champion 2022 BUMN Partners and furthermore, from the selection results, 41 partners were given appreciation by the Ministry of SOEs this year.

According to Erick, this event was held to strengthen the synergy of SOEs with the private sector and MSMEs. Indonesia, continued Erick, actually has extraordinary strengths, namely natural resources and markets that can help SOEs, the private sector, and MSMEs to support recovery and economic growth after the pandemic.

"There should be consolidation where the government now has a big roadmap, not only the role of the government with the private sector and MSMEs, but also the role of SOEs with the private sector and MSMEs as partners. We must not be divided here and there which ultimately does not become our own strength as a nation," said Erick.

Erick thanked partners who collaborated with SOEs in forming a business ecosystem that could provide benefits and positive contributions to the economy.

According to Erick, this is no longer the time for BUMN to become an ivory tower in the midst of the challenges of digital disruption.

Erick hopes that SOEs with the private sector and MSMEs can do three things together, namely first to improve relations with a win-win solution.

Considering that SOEs will be encouraged to become global companies with synergies that exist between the two parties.

In addition, he said, building alignments for domestic products, namely the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) through its partners.

"Finally, it is very important that SOEs have partners with one vision, namely partners who are transparent and professional," he said.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo expressed his gratitude for the appreciation given by the Ministry of SOEs to PLN.

PLN in running its business always prioritizes the use of products and services from the domestic industry so that it can help drive the economy.

Not only synergizing with SOEs, PLN also cooperates with the private sector and MSME actors to jointly develop the country.

"We are grateful for this appreciation. For us, the role of partners to support PLN's performance today and in the future is very important in order to make PLN more dynamic and agile. We hope that this collaboration can be closer and provide benefits for both parties," said Darmawan.

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