JAKARTA - Indonesia needs to prepare young people who have high digital literacy and are able to innovate. This is because in 2030 Indonesia will need workers for the digital economy.

"In 2030, Indonesia will need 17 million workers for the Digital Economy," he said in an official statement, Sunday, April 24.

Erick assessed that there are similarities in the role of youth today with the youth of 1928 who echoed the Youth Pledge, namely fighting for the independence of the Indonesian people, although with different challenges.

"Today's challenges are much bigger, namely health security, digital disruption, and the global supply chain crisis. These challenges need to be prepared and faced together so that young people can become agents of change," he said.

Moreover, said Erick, Indonesia will face a demographic bonus. According to him, this must be used as well as possible to achieve Indonesia's 2045 vision to become a developed country. With the dominance of millennials and Gen Z of 54 percent of the total population of Indonesia, future development is very dependent on youth.

"Our goal is a Human-Centered Society that balances economic progress and solves social problems, with an integrated real-world system and an integrated virtual world," said Erick. According to Erick, the world has developed rapidly. Therefore, Indonesia needs youth who are quick to adapt.

"In the past we were familiar with the electricity program entering the village, now we are entering a new phase with WiFi entering the village. We are building WiFi connectivity using broadband satellite access that can reach all parts of Indonesia," he said.

In this way, inclusive access to information for all Indonesians can be achieved. Currently, said Erick, the world is moving towards net zero emission in 2060.

Therefore, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises has also encouraged the fulfillment of this target through the transformation of energy transitions, starting from the smallest things at the household level to form an energy ecosystem, as well as the formation of renewable energy ecosystems, such as the electric motor vehicle ecosystem in various regions of the archipelago.

In terms of diversity and inclusion, Erick said that the Ministry of SOEs is committed to providing equal opportunities to youth to encourage young leadership.

"In 2023, I want 10 percent of BUMN directors to be filled by young people. Women must also be a part of this, at least 25 percent of our BUMN directors are women. In addition, we will encourage BUMN talents to be digitally ready, '' he said.

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