JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Head of the Communication, Information Services and Cooperation Bureau (KLIK) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agung Pribadi, ensures that people's purchasing power is maintained in the midst of rising energy commodity prices due to global geopolitical conflicts. This certainty can be proven from the current electricity tariff in Indonesia.

Agung said that based on PLN data in March 2022, Indonesia's electricity tariffs were considered cheap and competitive compared to other countries in the Southeast Asian region (Association of Southeast Asian Nations/ASEAN countries).

"We make sure that electricity rates in Indonesia are still relatively cheap compared to other countries in the ASEAN region," he said in a statement to the media, Thursday, April 7.

As is known, the current average tariff for non-subsidized household customers (tariff adjustment) is IDR 1.445 per kWh. This tariff is much cheaper than the household electricity tariff in Thailand which reaches IDR 1.597 per kWh, Vietnam IDR 1.532 per kWh, Singapore IDR 2.863 per kWh, and the Philippines IDR 2,421 per kWh.

Meanwhile, for the Medium-TR Business class, the electricity tariff in Indonesia is set at IDR 1.445 per kWh, still cheaper than in the Philippines (IDR 1.636/kWh), Malaysia (IDR 1.735/kWh), Vietnam (IDR 1.943/kWh), and Singapore (IDR 2.110/kWh). Indonesia's tariff for this group is only slightly above Thailand's (IDR 1.413/kWh).

Even in the Big Business-TM class, he continued, electricity tariffs in Indonesia are the cheapest in ASEAN, namely IDR 1.115/kWh, when compared to consumers of the same class in Singapore, which reach IDR 2.063/kWh, Vietnam IDR 1.787/kWh, Philippines IDR 1.603/kWh, Thailand IDR 1.370/kWh, and Malaysia IDR 1.227/kWh.

"This (tariff) is a government stimulus measure to attract investors to improve the business climate in Indonesia in the midst of a pandemic," explained Agung.

In addition, there are tariffs for the type of Industrial Medium-TM users, the electricity tariff in Indonesia is IDR 1.115/kWh, cheaper than the tariff in Singapore which is IDR 1.922/kWh, the Philippines is IDR 1.567/kWh and Vietnam is IDR 1.117. /kWh. This rate is slightly above Malaysia's IDR 1.060/kWh and Thailand's IDR 991/kWh.

The type of large industrial users in Indonesia is Rp.997/kWh, only slightly higher than Thailand's IDR 990/kWh and Malaysia IDR 991/kWh. For this class, Singapore has set a tariff of IDR 1.863/kWh, the Philippines is IDR 1.559/kWh, and Vietnam is IDR 1.060/kWh.

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