JAKARTA - The National Police has confirmed that they are investigating a crime committed by senior management of the insurance company WanaArtha Life (WAL). The person concerned, with the initials YM, was reported to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police for allegedly being involved in manipulating policyholder data.

In fact, currently, the policyholders are waiting in uncertainty because WAL's frozen assets were confiscated because they are suspected to be related to the Jiwasraya case. Against the actions of the Police, various groups voiced their support.

Trisakti University Criminal Law expert, Abdul Fickar Hadjar, hopes that the National Police can fully uncover the alleged data manipulation and reveal all parties involved.

"Yes, the police must immediately process this case, considering that many people have been harmed and do not know who should pay for the losses", he told reporters, quoted Wednesday, April 6.

Fickar also reminded that corporate assets related to the community should not be confiscated haphazardly by law enforcement. He considered that what the Attorney General's Office did to WAL's customer funds was inappropriate.

Member of House of Representatives Commission XI of F-Gerindra, Wihadi Wiyantono, also expressed his support for the Polri investigation. If there is an allegation of playing policyholder data and harming WAL customers, according to him, it must be processed by law.

"It can be self-reported with losses from customers who are harmed, I think that if it can be proven, and if the OJK can state that there is data manipulation", he said on a separate occasion.

Therefore, he supports the police to carry out an investigation, regardless of the outcome.

"If there is manipulation and harm to the policyholder, of course, there must be law enforcement", said Wihadi.

He also asked the Prosecutor's Office to investigate the same thing, if they found allegations of data manipulation and some people were harmed, especially customers or WAL policyholders. As for the confiscation of the WAL account, he hopes it will no longer be charged.

"So far they (customers) are innocent, only affected by the Jiwasraya and Beni Tjokro cases, this can be directly proven if there is data manipulation that is detrimental to policyholders", he said.

In the legal process at the Police, several witnesses are said to have been examined by the Criminal Investigation Unit following up on the report numbered R/LI/51/III/RES.1.24/2022/Ditrustideksus on March 18, 2022. However, the Head of the Public Information Division of the National Police Public Relations Division, Commissioner Gatot Repli Handoko, said that his party was still investigating this matter.

"It's just an information report and is in the process of being investigated", he said briefly, Tuesday, April 5.

The irregularities reported to the police were allegedly related to differences in the number of policyholders or WAL customers. The police are investigating discrepancies in the data of the policyholders and the alleged motive behind them.

In the case of WanaArtha, previously, policyholders or WAL customers and several members of the DPR also hoped that this insurance issue could be resolved and resumed operations properly.

The Council also voiced that the account blocking should be canceled so that the customer's money could be returned. Member of the House of Representatives Commission XI, Vera Febyanthy, confirmed that her party had repeatedly held meetings with the OJK regarding the WanaArtha issue.

"Just return the customer's money, solve the problem if it is blocked. It should be opened, returned to the customer", said Vera.

According to her, the House of Representatives Commission XI will continue to emphasize the OJK to help complete this case. In fact, this will also be reminded again when there is an election for the OJK commissioner board soon.

Meanwhile, Deputy Executive Director of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef), Eko Listiyanto, said the case experienced by WanaArtha Life should serve as an illustration for OJK to tighten its supervision.

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