JAKARTA - Crowdfunding platform provider PT Dana Rintis Indonesia, or better known as the brand 'Udana.id' is ready to offer a number of promising alternative investment instruments for domestic investors.

Interestingly, these investment services are mixed and matched with support for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to grow with the availability of adequate access to funding.

"This year, we will carry out several plans. Among them are providing funding for 20 MSMEs in the amount of Rp. 40 billion. Then developing a platform for Securities Crowdfunding (SCF). And, educating the public and increasing the potential for funding that can be channeled to MSME business players in Indonesia. throughout Indonesia," said Udana.id Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Eric Wicaksono, in his official statement, in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Saturday, March 19.

According to Eric, the crowdfunding industry in Indonesia at that time was still in the growth stage. However, crowdfunding service startups have started to emerge and their popularity is also increasingly stealing the public's attention.

The presence of crowdfunding in Indonesia makes it easier for business people to find funding and provides opportunities for investors who are looking for alternative investment instruments.

With Udana.id as one of the organizers, continued Eric, we can participate in advancing the equity crowdfunding industry in Indonesia.

"We also hope that the crowdfunding ecosystem can continue to grow and assist entrepreneurs in finding funding, as well as making it easier for investors to find alternative investment instruments," he said.

The crowdfunding industry already has a legal umbrella from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) which is regulated in OJK Regulations, namely POJK Number 57/POJK.04/2020 concerning Securities Offerings Through Information Technology-Based Crowdfunding Services (Securities Crowdfunding). This latest regulation also allows business actors not only to offer securities in the form of shares through crowdfunding services, but also debt securities or sukuk.

The support from the Government of Indonesia that accommodates the crowdfunding platform is also very helpful for business actors to develop innovations in the digital financial sector. In addition, it can also encourage public confidence to jointly build this ecosystem which is expected to be one of the driving forces of the Indonesian economy.

"In its development towards maturity, of course, we need support from various stakeholders. In accordance with the spirit of gotong royong promoted in crowdfunding, without a collaborative, innovative, and comprehensive relationship pattern, it is difficult for this industry to accelerate, ' said Eric.

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