JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has again opened its voice regarding the plan to manage state assets in Jakarta when the center of government moves to the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago in Kalimantan.

The latest information came from the Director of State Asset Management and Information Systems DJKN Ministry of Finance Purnama T. Sianturi when meeting the media crew through a virtual channel today.

"After the IKN move, it is possible for government buildings and institutions to be managed by investors or private parties," he said Friday, March 18.

According to Purnama, the move is aimed at providing an opportunity for third parties to be able to take advantage of the function of state assets according to their designation as well as being a separate opportunity for the Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) sector.

"The point is that assets in Jakarta must be optimized, so that these assets will contribute to state revenues," he said.

Even so, Purnama is reluctant to detail what assets the private sector has the opportunity to manage, considering that the timeline for moving the center of government is still in process.

"We have not been able to convey (which assets will be transferred) because we do not know when the transfer plans from this ministry or agency will be and what will be left behind," he stressed.

In VOI's notes, the discussion on the use of state assets in Jakarta was mentioned by the Director of State Property (BMN) of DJKN Encep Sudarwan at the end of last January.

He said the government's total assets in Jakarta reached Rp1,400 trillion. It is also stated that the estimated value that can be utilized is only around Rp. 300 trillion.

"The assets in Jakarta BMN are Rp. 1,400 trillion. So, the estimated amount that can be utilized is around Rp. 300 trillion. The value of the assets is not the value of rental results and so on," he said.

Encep added that the management of this asset will be mapped out using six models, such as being leased or cooperating.

"Why Rp300 trillion? There are many regional offices (kanwil) in Jakarta, like DJKN, there are regional offices and they are still being used. Taxes are still being used, treasury excise taxes, the National Police have a regional police chief. Why Rp 300 trillion, not yet the state palace and graveyard," he explained.

Citing data released by the Ministry of Finance, it is known that the total state assets at the end of 2020 amounted to Rp. 11,098 trillion. Of this figure, 59.3 percent of them or equivalent to Rp. 6.585 trillion are assets in the form of state property (BMN).

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