JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic, which is still ongoing, and the scarcity of several necessities on the market, has forced PT Indo Raya Tenaga (IRT) as the manager of the Ultra Super Critical (USC) power plant project to help residents. However, the target of this assistance is people whose economic conditions are less well off, by prioritizing the elderly (elderly).

The social service activities held on Wednesday, March 16 were centered at two points, namely in Suralaya Village and Lebakgede Village, Pulomerak District, Cilegon City, with a total of 200 food packages. As for the distribution technique, the basic food packages that have been sent to the Sub-district office are then taken by the head of each RT (Neighborhood Association), for further distribution to the community.

The Head of Suralaya Sub-district, Eman Sulaiman, on the sidelines of the distribution of basic needs said that the distribution of basic food items is part of the company's efforts to share with the poor in the Suralaya area. He appreciated the assistance of his citizens.

"We thank PT IRT, we hope that the basic food distributed to the community will be a blessing and useful", said Eman, in his written statement.

Eman added that the Suralaya community, especially the elderly, who are widows, who are currently receiving assistance are also part of the momentum that will soon welcome the holy month of Ramadan.

"Of course, with this social service, PT IRT, which is currently in the stage of carrying out the construction of the 2 x 1000 MW power plant, will be given a smooth operation", he added.

Meanwhile, the distribution of basic needs in Lebakgede was carried out in the Lebakgede Village office hall, presenting the Pulomerak Sector Police and the head of Neighborhood Association (RT). In his remarks, the Head of Lebakgede Village, Suwandi, appreciated the company who was willing to provide necessities to the underprivileged community.

"The existence of Jawa 9&10 USC Power Plant project is expected to be able to have a positive impact on the community, because with the project there will automatically be opportunities for the workforce, and residents around Lebakgede can be involved to work", he said.

Meanwhile, from the PT IRT management, Steve Adrianto, said that this social service activity by distributing basic necessities is part of the company's commitment to helping the elderly in the Suralaya and Lebakgede areas.

"Hopefully the basic food provided to the community can be useful, especially in this COVID-19 pandemic situation", he said.

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