JAKARTA - Member of Commission XI DPR RI Fatan Subchi himself explicitly highlighted the issue of leadership (leadership) in the body of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) for the current period. According to him, a strong leadership position can provide its own guarantee so that the OJK has the ability to ensure supervision and protection of the financial services sector.

"Some of the keys to the evaluation are leadership that must be improved, cohesiveness, because we see that OJK cannot be the sole regulator, always throwing (if there is a problem) on other regulators," he said in a virtual discussion entitled Finding the Best Candidates for the Board. The OJK 2022-2027 commissioner was quoted on Wednesday, March 16.

Fatan added, a firm position of authority with a strong leader will certainly give more confidence to business actors and consumers in carrying out activities in the financial sector. For this reason, he hopes that the selection process for high-ranking OJK candidates who are currently in the hands of the President can produce figures who have integrity and strong influence to bring the industry to a better direction.

"So in the future for OJK 2022-2027 we must have a chairman who has strong leadership abilities so that the industry is also confident that the roadmap for the financial services sector is on the right track," he said.

For information, the selection process for prospective members of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Board of Commissioners for the 2022-2027 period, chaired by the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani, has entered the final stage.

Last week, the Minister of Finance submitted the 21 best names to President Joko Widodo, who were then selected to become 14 candidates. After that, the Head of State will submit his choice to the DPR for a final election process so that seven final names are produced who will fill the management positions of the Financial Services Authority for the 2022-2027 Period.

"We are all concerned about bringing our financial industry to remain stable, strong, so that it can provide strong consumer protection," concluded Fatan.

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