JAKARTA - Increasing turnover is certainly the choice of every businessman, both online and offline. So what are the steps you can take to increase your online sales.

When you already have an online store and start selling online on a marketplace platform, but the results are not as expected, or even experiencing a decrease in turnover, there are several steps that must be taken to increase turnover.

From the data available during this pandemic, almost all economic sectors experienced a decline in income. Even as reported by data in Katadata, currently only 5.9 percent of Indonesian MSMEs are able to survive and earn a profit.

Unfortunately, 82.9 percent of MSMEs in Indonesia have a pandemic, 6.39 percent experienced a decline in turnover of up to 30 percent. This percentage figure is certainly an indicator that business people are experiencing a decline in turnover.

However, this number does not mean that we are resigned to the situation and wait for the pandemic to subside or disappear. As an entrepreneur, of course, you have to rack your brain to get a recipe to increase your turnover again.

Well, if you are one of the people experiencing a decrease in turnover from selling online, then there are several ways you can do to increase the income from the online business that you are starting.

Tips to Increase Online Sales Turnover:

1. Remove unprofitable products

When you are going to build an online store, you must have done your research and chosen the products that are sold online. Now, the list of products must already be in your business data, so the first step is to sort through the list of products that you have.

From the list of products that you have held, you have to re-research, because of the dynamic development of situations and conditions, you can re-examine what products are selling well in the market.

You have to make a list of what products the public is less interested in, this can be seen from statistics where it can be seen what products are often sold, so you can immediately improve the product.

As for products that are not selling well, you should not even buy them. Because it is just a waste of capital and time in marketing it. The goal, of course, is to avoid excess production costs.

2. Find new customers

The next step to increase the market of course you have to expand the market. Expand your product or product offerings to many people. Arrange products that sell well in the market and start expanding.

To find new customers, of course, you have to change the old strategy, so use a more intensive promotional strategy to consumers. Apart from specific market groups, you can also consider expanding your market geographically. One of them is by offering product delivery outside the city or outside the island, for example.

For example: in a marketplace application you can use existing design features. So take advantage of the online selling design on Evermos to offer your products either through social media such as Facebook or Whatsapp.

This means that you don't have to waste time thinking about attractive product designs, and you also don't need to spend extra money to pay for design personnel to get an attractive product display.

3. Pay attention to business operations

How the business operates will also have an effect on increasing sales turnover. That's why you need to continue to evaluate your business plan at all times, both before it was started and when it's already running.

For that you start paying attention to the operations that have been carried out so far. You can arrange operational plans efficiently. At this stage you can see if there is waste in operations, whether there are gaps to reduce operational costs.

Constraints that usually occur are the delivery system which is inefficient and costs a lot, or efficiency can also occur because there are employees whose workload is less while the wages received are too high. Therefore, the efficiency of business operations needs to be checked regularly.

Or it could be in selling online that you enter a paid marketplace but don't increase your online sales income. For that, choose a marketplace that doesn't charge a home business like Evermos.

As much as possible use free features so that no operations are wasted.

4. Stay connected with the market

Outside of your online or offline business, but basically you have to stay connected to the market when you are selling online, so as much as possible you should not close the online shop that you have created. The goal is to keep you connected to the market.

This means that existing customers who come back from time to time and shop again do not feel disappointed and think that your online store is no longer active. That's why your presence in the marketplace must remain.

Not only that, you can even increase the convenience of potential customers or customers by providing more services that competitors don't have. For that you can send promotional messages or discount offers.

The point is that you try to keep interacting with customers through the features provided by the marketplace to offer your products.

5. Promotion

Promotion is an important thing in a business. You can really arrange promotions for your merchandise. Such as discounts, cashback, or vouchers to increase sales turnover. Attractive promotions have the potential to attract more customers and increase sales.

If you are just starting a business, vouchers or buy 1 get 1 might be more suitable to be chosen. You can attract customers to get access and try other products while shopping again at online stores.

6. Change product price

The selling price can also be a factor that you must evaluate to increase turnover. You can see or research the price of the same product on several competitors in the same marketplace.

It could be that you sell the product too expensive, so you can change the selling price of your product to be able to compete. This means that when you are still making a profit, there is nothing wrong with lowering the price of the product.

Although the profit is small, but many of your products are sold, you will get a large total profit.

7. Strengthen the team

The last step so you can increase your turnover is to strengthen your team. You can improve the marketing team with optimistic values, never give up, and discuss to find sales breakthroughs.

In other words, they need to help businesses in their own way to increase sales, both in terms of marketing, product quality, and interaction with consumers on social media. Hopefully, your business can also move forward well.

Those are some steps you can take to increase your online sales turnover, evaluate, find a strategy, and do it, then your sales will increase.

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