JAKARTA - Mayor of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Sulkarnain Kadir, said that currently cooking oil stocks in the area are safe because his party has coordinated with the central government to neutralize the current shortage of oil.

"Alhamdulillah, in Kendari City, we have carried out supervision and coordination with the central government. We have prepared stocks to neutralize them," he said in Kendari, quoted from Antara, Saturday, February 26.

He said the stock of cooking oil that had been prepared would later be distributed to markets and shops, while carrying out market operations. Even so, the Mayor did not say exactly how much stock would be distributed.

The mayor assessed that the central government's policy to set price standards for cooking oil was actually in order to protect consumers.

In this case, it protects the community from being totally dependent on market mechanisms. Because if the market mechanism is allowed to take place, the price will continue to soar.

"Before there was a policy of fixing the price of cooking oil at Rp. 14 thousand per liter, the price was almost Rp. 20 thousand, even in some places it had reached Rp. 22 thousand," said Sulkarnain.

Even so, he admits that in its implementation it takes a process to get to that ideal number.

With the condition that occurs, namely price disparity, continued Sulkarnain, there will be speculators who play so that the role of the government and security forces is to escort and supervise people who try to take temporary benefits in conditions like this.

The mayor asked the public not to worry and not to shop for cooking oil in excess or out of necessity.

"Don't worry, we are trying to maintain its availability. Alhamdulillah, until today it is actually ready, we just anticipate when people panic buying," said Sulkarmain Kadir.

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