JAKARTA - Governor of the Riau Islands (Kepri) Ansar Ahmad asked Lion Air in Jakarta to reopen the Pekanbaru (Riau) flight path to Tanjungpinang and vice versa to facilitate transportation access for domestic tourists between the two regions.

Ansar said that so far the existing flight access was only the Pekanbaru-Batam route and vice versa.

"We have communicated with GM Lion Air, hopefully this effort will bear fruit and the airline will open the flight path as we want," said Ansar after attending the invitation to the 031 Wira Bima (WB) Danrem golf farewell in Riau Province, quoted from Antara, Monday. February 21.

Ansar came to attend the 031 Wira Bima (WB) Danrem golf farewell as well as to promote the Riau Islands Governor I golf tournament in the Riau Islands Province.

The governor admits that there are quite a number of golf enthusiasts in Riau, so this is an opportunity to convince golfers in the area to try out golf courses in Riau Islands.

"We have many good golf courses in Riau Islands, especially in Batam and Bintan. With the privileges we offer, it is believed to attract golfers in Riau to try out our golf courses," said Ansar.

Ansar hopes that the golf tournament can boost the growth of the world of tourism, not only for domestic tourists, but also for foreign tourists.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, he continued, the world of tourism was the sector most affected, resulting in many hotels and restaurants closing, or being forced to lay off their employees.

To revive the tourism world in Riau Islands, the only way is to do a lot of promotion while preparing the right regulations in the midst of the current pandemic.

"Therefore, we are very optimistic that the Pekanbaru-Tanjungpinang flight will reopen, it can support easy access to transportation, especially domestic tourists," said Ansar.

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