JAKARTA - The government through the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti) of the Ministry of Trade positively welcomes the presence of crypto assets made in Indonesia.

Acting Head of CoFTRA, Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana, believes that this instrument can contribute to future economic development.

"CoFTRA sees that the future of crypto assets made in Indonesia is quite bright," he said in an official statement quoted on Monday, February 14.

However, Wisnu reminded the importance of complying with regulations imposed by the government in carrying out asset management activities with 4.0 technology.

"As long as it complies with the applicable rules and regulations, domestically made crypto assets can be traded," he stressed.

Wisnu added, the potential and innovation of the nation's children as well as the market potential in Indonesia is very large and continues to grow.

"In recent years, several crypto assets made by the nation's children have been marketed in several global markets, and some have been registered in CoFTRA Regulation Number 7 of 2020," he said.

For this reason, Wisnu urges the public to understand the mechanisms and risks first before deciding to invest in crypto assets.

"The public must also ensure the types of crypto assets that have been legally determined by CoFTRA and are ensured to be traded with prospective physical crypto asset traders who already have a registration certificate from CoFTRA," he explained.

Based on information compiled by the editors, there are a number of crypto assets labeled "made in Indonesia", including ASIX which is said to be a collection of the artist couple Anang Hermansyah and Ashanty.

Then the next LDX Token, Toko Token (TKO), IDM Token, and Zipmex Token (ZMT),

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