JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) responded to a report from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) which revealed that Indonesia's economic growth throughout 2021 was recorded at 3.69 percent.

Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) Febrio Kacaribu considers that the level achieved is in line with the government's outlook.

"The successful control of the pandemic, public participation in implementing health protocols and vaccinations, the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus policies by the government and good synergy between authorities in maintaining stability and accelerating economic recovery are the main factors in maintaining the sustainability of the recovery," he said in a statement, Monday, February 7.

According to Febrio, the 2021 gross domestic product (GDP) has surpassed the level of the pre-pandemic period. He said the book was an achievement in itself.

"There are still many economies that have not been able to return to their pre-pandemic capacity, such as the Philippines, Mexico, Germany, France and Italy," he said.

Febrio added, with this economic growth as well, Indonesia's GDP per capita level managed to rise from 57.3 in 2020 to 62.2 million rupiah in the 2021 period, up 8.6 percent with 4,349.5 US dollars.

"Through this achievement and the latest World Bank classification (2020), Indonesia is expected to re-enter the Upper-Middle Income Countries group in 2021," he stressed.

Furthermore, Sri Mulyani's staff explained that the Ministry of Finance had been able to direct a flexible and responsive APBN during the pandemic to be able to maintain the sustainability of the pace of economic recovery last year.

"The very dynamic COVID-19 pandemic throughout 2021, especially related to the emergence of the Delta wave, was able to be responded quickly by the government through the policy of refocusing the State Budget," he said.

For information, economic growth in 2021, which is 3.69 percent, is below the previously targeted level, which is 3.7 percent to 4.5 percent.

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