JAKARTA - PT Puradelta Lestari Tbk (DMAS) has to bite its fingers. The developer of the modern integrated area of Kota Deltamas, which is owned by conglomerate Eka Tjipta Widjaja, failed to achieve the pre-sale or marketing sales target.

Throughout 2021, the company only recorded marketing sales of Rp. 1.76 trillion or 88 percent of the target of Rp. 2 trillion. This record was supported by the sale of 62.5 hectares of industrial land.

Puradelta Director and Corporate Secretary Tondy Suwanto said that 2021 will be a good year, but also challenging for industrial land sales. "In early 2021, although still in the midst of a pandemic situation, the demand for industrial land is quite high, especially demand from the data center sector," Tondy said in a written statement, Friday, February 4.

"However, we are faced with the second wave of the pandemic in the second semester, which is even worse than the previous one, which resulted in increasingly stringent restrictions on domestic and international mobility, and also resulted in the delay of several processes of buying and selling industrial land," explained Tondy.

Tondy added, several pending industrial land sale and purchase transactions will be completed in 2022. "Despite the pending processes due to the tightening of mobility in 2021, we believe that the pending transactions can be completed in 2022," said Tondy.

In detail, the automotive sector and the data center sector are the main contributors to the sale of the Company's 62.5 hectares of industrial land. "Along with the increasing demand for industrial land from the data center sector, the Company itself has prepared a special zone that supports activities from the data center industry and similar industries," added Tondy.

In addition to the development of industrial areas, the Company is also developing residential and commercial areas. In 2021, the sale of residential land will contribute to the Company's marketing sales, in addition to sales of landed housing products from the Naraya Park cluster and other clusters.

In addition, the Company has also succeeded in selling commercial lands to business owners which will certainly color the dynamics of the social life of residents, visitors, and workers in the Kota Deltamas area.

Going forward, the Company will continue to develop its industrial, residential and commercial areas to realize the Company's long-term mission in developing Kota Deltamas as a modern and environmentally friendly integrated area and as a regional center in eastern Jakarta, as well as to continue to increase added value for all stakeholders. .

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