JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communications and Informatics invites the Indonesian Public Relations Association (PERHUMAS) to actively contribute and contribute progressive ideas in improving the quality of holding the G20 multilateral forum meeting, in which Indonesia is the host so that it can succeed in a better nation branding position.

"We show the world that we can be good hosts. Better than the previous meetings. We want the G20 meeting to belong to the community as well," said Director General of Information and Public Communication, Usman Kansong at the inauguration ceremony of the Central Executive Board (BPP). ) PERHUMAS period 2021-2024 in Jakarta, Saturday 22 January.

Usman Kansong hopes that PERHUMAS' active role is to encourage people to take vaccines or boosters to maintain mutual immunity.

"We hope this year will be the last year of the pandemic," said Usman.

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of PERHUMAS Boy Kelana Soebroto said, as one of the components of the nation, PERHUMAS also took part to make the G20 meeting a success through the 'Indonesia Talks Good' activity which can show the domestic community as well as the international community good things. so that Indonesia is able to become a society that transmits positive energy and kindness.

In addition, he said, PERHUMAS must be a place of shared learning for all public relations practitioners in Indonesia through togetherness and collaboration to respond to global challenges that are increasingly complex and create uncertainty in various fields.

"PERHUMAS must be a barometer of Indonesian public relations. In addition, our competence must continue to grow because of increasingly complex challenges in the future," said Boy.

In the view of the PERHUMAS Honorary Council, cooperation and collaboration is a must because, there is no magic person anywhere so it is necessary to collaborate with various parties, including public relations practitioners wherever they are.

"Indonesia must play a role as a public relations officer in ASEAN and internationally through the Indonesian campaign to speak well. Especially in the current crisis," said Prita Kemal Gani, a member of the PERHUMAS Honorary Council, representing the Chair of the Honorary Council.

Board of Management

BPP PERHUMAS currently consists of 84 public relations practitioners for the 2021-2024 management.

PERHUMAS management is colored with new faces who embrace various corporate public relations practitioners, government agencies, media, researchers and also academics.

The composition of the PERHUMAS management for the period 2021-2024 based on the Decree (SK) of the General Chair regarding the Management of the Central Governing Body of the Indonesian Public Relations Association for the period 2021-2024:

Honorary Council: Muslim Basya, MBA (Chairman, Indonesian Public Relations Professional Certification Institute) (LSPPRI)); Dr. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR (Founder & CEO, LSPR Communications & Business Institute), Prof. Muhammad Alwi Dahlan (Father of Indonesian Communication Studies) Prof. Dr. Widodo Muktiyo (Expert Staff of the Minister (SAM), Ministry of Communication and Information for Communication and Mass Media); Mohd. Agung Laksamana, M.Sc, Hon. FAPR (Executive Vice President, PT Freeport Indonesia).

Advisory Board: Suryopratomo (Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Singapore); Usman Kansong (Director General of Information and Public Communication, Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia) Arsyad Rasyid (Chairman, KADIN) Billy Boen (Founder, Young on Top & Partner of Kejora Capital) Veronica Ken Adiani Windoe (Brand Expert); Asmono Wikan (CEO & Founder, PR Indonesia Magazine/Press Council) Heri Rakhmadi (CEO & Founder, Bamboedoea)

Expert Council : Dr. Nia Sarinastiti (Accenture Development Partnerships Lead in Indonesia and UNIKA Atma Jaya Lecturer), Dr. Hifni Alifahmi (Head of Study Program, Sahid University), Daniel Rembeth (Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers); Erwin Parengkuan (CEO & Founder, TALKINC), Yoris Sebastian Nisiho (Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer, OMG Creative Consulting); Pikukuh Pambudhiarto (Chief Executive Officer, PT Panenmaya), Arifin Asydhad (Founder and CEO, Kumparan/Chairman of the Editor-in-Chief Forum)

Deputy General Chairperson: Deputy General Chair for Public Communication and Public Relations: S. Hery Kurniawan (SVP -Internal Communications, Event Management & Sponsorship, CIMB Niaga), Deputy General Chairperson for Overseas Public Relations Image Strengthening: T. Marlene Danusutedjo (Director of Marketing & Communications InterContinental Jakarta Pondok Indah), Deputy General Chair for Development

Public Relations Campaign: Djarot Handoko (Head of Corporate Communications, Asia Pacific Rayon), Deputy General Chairperson for Public Relations Training: Dr. N. Nurlaela Arief (Director of Communications & Alumni Relations, School of Business & Management (SBM ITB) / Permanent Lecturer, SBM ITB),

Deputy General Chair of Public Relations Competency Development: Dr. Dorien Kartikawangi (Associate Professor and Head of the Communication Studies Program, Atmajaya University),

Deputy General Chair for Conventions, PERHUMAS Excellence Development and PERHUMAS Awards: Saurma MGP Siahaan (Editor, Daily Analyst/ Lecturer); Deputy General Chair for Public Relations Law: Dr. Yanuar Luqman (Lecturer in Communication Studies, Dipenogoro University), Deputy General Chair for Membership Development and Youth PERHUMAS: Troy Reza Warokka (Chief Operating Officer, PT. MAHAKA Media).

General Secretary: Benny Butarbutar (Media & Communications Advisor CEO, Perum BULOG); Deputy Secretary 1: Fardila Astari (Communications Director, Rajawali Foundation); Deputy Secretary 2: Emmy Kuswandari (Global Communications, APP SinarMas); Deputy Secretary 3: Rizky C Saragih (Public Relations PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk).

General Treasurer: Dewi Astuti Permatasari Assaad (VP Corporate Communications TMU GROUP & KSP Tunas Mulia Unggul); Deputy Treasurer 1: Richele Maramis ( Head of Corporate Affairs, Permata Bank); Deputy Treasurer 2: Rudi Asaturridha (Corporate Secretary, Bank Mandiri).

Field of Public Communication and Public RelationsChairman: Ahmad Maulana Hafid Gautama (Communications Director, Tanoto Foundation); Vice Chairman: Glory Oyong (Corporate Communications Director, Kompas); Hera F. Haryn (Executive Vice President and Corporate Communications, BCA); Nuraini Razak (VP of Corporate Communications, Tokopedia); Sudarmadi Widodo (Human Capital & Corporate Affairs Director, PT Amerta Indah Otsuka); Diky Risbianto (Head of Corporate and Consumer Affairs, PT Hero Supermarket Tbk.); Aldin Hasyim (External Corporate Communications General Manager, Telkomsel).

Overseas Public Relations Image Strengthening Chair: Junas Miradiarsyah (President Director, IBL-Chairman of OC FIBA) Vice Chairman: Audrey Progastama Petriny (VP of Corporate Communications, Gojek); Hartyo Harkomoyo (Counsellor for Social and Cultural Information - Indonesian Embassy in London, Ministry of Foreign Affairs); Steve Saerang (Senior Vice President Corporate Communications, Indosat); Amelinda Fidella (Corporate Communications, PT Astra International, TBK); Adeline Fiane Hindarto (PR and Corporate Communications Manager, Halodoc).

Public Relations Campaign Development Chair: Henny Puspitasari (Head of PR and Partnership, Media Academy); Deputy Chairperson: Meylani (Expert Public Relations Officer, Ministry of Communication and Information); Dewianti (Consultant PR, Communication and Hospitality); Laurentius Iwan (Head of Communications and Customer Service Management, Insurance, Astra); Denny Jan Sompi (Business Director, Mahaka Visual Integra-Mahaka Media Group); Savira Wardoyo (News Anchor, CNBC Indonesia).

Public Relations Training Chair: Dian Agustine Nuriman (CEO of PT Griya Sukses Mandiri (Umang Island Resort Hotel), Communications Consultant and Lecturer); Vice Chairman: R. Moh. Nurul Rachman (Head of Public Relations, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs); Marliza (Corporate Communications, Mind ID); Edwin Gana Pringadi (Internal Relations/Media Relations, PT Biofarma); Cika Andy (External Communications, PricewaterhouseCoopers); Agrie Pratama Jakaria (Assistant Vice President-Corporate Communications, PT Danareksa (Persero).

Field of Public Relations Competency DevelopmentChairman: Dr. Mulharnetti Says (Dean of the Faculty of Communication Science, IISIP Jakarta); Vice Chairman: Ani Mulyati (Head of Public Relations, Ministry of Trade); Dr. Aqsath Rasyid Naradhipa (CEO, NoLimit Indonesia); Aubrey Siahainenia (Business Development, Telum Media); Rossi Prasetya Indarto (AVP R&D, Mahaka Media); Emilya Setyaningtyas, MIKom (Head of Communications Reputation Department, London School of Public Relations-LSPR).

Convention, PERHUMAS Excellence Development and PERHUMAS Award Chair: Dr. Emilia Bassar (CEO, CPROCOM); Vice Chairman: Denny Abidin (VP Corporate Communications, Telkomsel); Andrew Ferryawan Saputro (Corporate Affairs Director, Frisian Flag); Kristy Nelwan (Head of Communications, Unilever Indonesia); Muhammad Emil Silvan (External Relations Manager, Bukalapak); Danang Prihantoro (Corporate Communications, Lion Air).

Public Relations LawChairman: Dr. Alfred Pieter Menayang (Lecturer, Bunda Mulya University); Vice Chairman: Dian Amintapratiwi Purwandini (Humas, State Asset Management Institute (LMAN), Ministry of Finance); Harwan Muldidarmawan (Corporate Secretary, PT Jasa Raharja); Leidena Nagari (Pranata Public Relations, DPR); Mia Ermaya (Head of Public Relations, Ministry of Transportation); Ageng Wibowo Leksono (Corporate Communications Manager of PT JAS (Jakarta Airport Service).

Membership Development and PERHUMAS MudaChairman: Willy Bachtiar (Lecturer, Bogor Agricultural Institute); Vice Chairman: Muhammad Rivan Aulia Tanjung (Public Relations, BliBli); Tomi Wijaya (Humas, Perum Bulog), Syahputra Ramadhan Hasibuan (SPV Program and Monitoring, Lion Parcel), Jessica Tamara.

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