JAKARTA - The purchase of cooking oil at modern retail stores, Indomaret is limited. The goal is for equal distribution to consumers.

As is known, cooking oil supplies in retail stores run out. This condition occurred after the government imposed a one-price cooking oil policy of Rp. 14,000 per liter.

Marketing Director of PT Indomarco Prismatama, Darmawie Alie said that his party was limiting the sale of cooking oil to consumers, the aim was to make it more equitable for consumers.

"Purchase restrictions are in accordance with the supply that Indomaret receives from producers. The goal is more evenly distributed to consumers," he told VOI, Thursday, January 20.

Therefore, Darmawie appealed to the public not to panic buying or shopping excessively. This is because cooking oil stocks will be met in retail stores.

"People don't need to worry about panic buying, shop fairly as needed while still following health protocols. The availability of cooking oil has been confirmed by the Ministry of Trade that the government is committed to meeting the people's food needs at affordable prices," he said.

As previously reported, cooking oil stocks were empty on the second day of the one-price policy. In a number of modern retailers, namely Indomaret, Pesanggrahan 2 area, West Jakarta, cooking oil has been sold out since the first day the regulation took effect.

One employee said that buyers, who were dominated by mothers, were very enthusiastic about the policy. Thus, the stock in the store sold out within 2 hours, on the first day.

"It's been out since yesterday. There's not a lot of stock, because there's stock in the store. Usually the goods come back every 2 days. But I don't know if the oil is there or not, I'll come back later," he told VOI, Thursday, January 20.

Shifting towards Kreo, the supply of cooking oil was exhausted. Based on the statement of the employee who did not want to be named, since this morning 50 pcs of cooking oil have been sold.

"The cooking oil ran out. Just opened it this morning, the mothers lined up, there were 50 pcs. Yesterday (on the first day, there were also more who bought approximately 100 pcs. Don't know when it will come in again, but usually every 2 days the goods come in, " he said.

One of the buyers, Siti (50) said that since this morning she had been around the Kreo area looking for cooking oil at modern retailers, but had not found it.

"I've been looking for Indomaret since this morning, all of them are empty. I've been looking around for nothing. Because yesterday everyone was fighting over," said Siti.

Not only in the Kreo area, shifting towards Joglo, the supply of cooking oil at Alfamidi's modern retail has been sold out since yesterday. One of the employees, speaking on condition of anonymity, explained that the store's supply of cooking oil was sold out in one day.

"It's finished, there's no cooking oil. It's been out since 20.00 yesterday. I don't know when it will come in again, maybe tomorrow," he said.

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