JAKARTA - Subholding Gas Pertamina through its affiliate Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited (SIPL) managed to record oil production of more than 1,808 Million Barrels (BBLS) in 2021. As for the lifting, it reached 1,823 million BBLS year to date (ytd) 2021, so the realization of lifting is greater than production with a lifting percentage of 101 percent of the total production.

GM Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited (SIPL), Khostarosa Andhika Jaya explained, throughout 2021, SIPL carried out oil lifting 13 times. Three of them are lifting of the State share (Government of Indonesia, GOI) and the remaining 10 are export lifting. Lifting results are higher than production, due to the additional residue from the Crude Oil Tank - B (COT-B) cleaning activity of around 10,000 BBLS.

In addition, the transfer of lifting inventory from COT-C to COT-A, which was constrained by limitations with a transfer rate of 2,500 Barrels Per Day (BPD), was successfully executed with a transfer rate above 3000 BPD.

This lifting achievement in 2021 contributes to the Government's lifting target that has been announced by SKK Migas by minimizing stock inventory at the end of the year.

During 2021, SIPL production increased sharply. In 2020, SIPL's Total Production is 7,000 BOEPD, where in 2021 it will increase to 17,000 BOEPD. Two wells in the CA that still dominate and support increased production, namely Sidayu with three wells contributing 35 percent, and West Pangkah contributing 65 percent with four wells for production.

PGN SAKA manages three production lines, namely crude oil, gas and LPG which are distributed according to regulations. Crude oil is distributed to Pertamina for export needs, LPG is distributed to Pertamina Patra Niaga through pipes, and gas is distributed to PLN. As for crude oil, the volume lifted is greater than production.

"SIPL also recorded gas production of 28.33 Million Standard Cubic Feet Per day MMSCFD. Increased gas production and better recovery have an impact on increasing LPG production to reach 69.10 metric tons per day. Meanwhile, LPG lifting is 67.43 metric tons per day. Throughout 2021, LPG lifting will be carried out 14 times," Andhika said in an official statement, Wednesday, January 5.

Andhika further explained that the Pangkah Working Area will continue to develop and will continue to focus on the working area (WK) which is currently still conducting seismic searching for more wells. One of the development efforts that will be carried out in 2022 is to carry out 3D Seismic acquisition (seismic methods for exploration using 3D technology and optimizing production facilities as well as well intervention to maintain production.

"Production optimization is carried out not only by restraining the rate of production decline, but also being the backbone of the business in addition to developing new fields," added Andhika.

As part of Pertamina's Oil and Gas Holding, PGN Saka will continue to synergize with stakeholders to continue carrying out sustainable activities as a form of sustainability of corporate operations. This portfolio is part of contributing to the fulfillment of national energy from upstream to downstream. The production of the Pangkah Working Area also plays a role in helping the government achieve the national oil and gas production target.

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